APK Elections On Trees Ordered By DLH Makassar

JAKARTA - The installation of campaign props (APK) for the 2024 election which was hung on trees on roads or residential areas is put in order in the Makassar city area. This was done by the Environment Agency (DLH) of Makassar City, South Sulawesi.

"There is no tolerance for all props, banners that are installed using nails. DLH has a special task force (Satgas) that works every day to remove the props," said Acting (Plt) Head of DLH Makassar City, Ferdi Mochtar, quoting Antara.

He emphasized that although the current stage of the 2024 election campaign period does not mean that election participants easily and easily install props quickly by using nails on trees as a place for socialization.

"The installation of these nails will damage the growth of trees because it interferes with the circulation of food nutrients from roots to stems and leaves, and slowly causes the growth of dwarf trees to die," said Ferdi.

In addition, according to him, the proliferation of the APK for election participants in almost all roads in Makassar City greatly affects the aesthetics of the city and indirectly covers green open space (RTH), especially trees as pollution relievers.

"Of course (the supply of APK in trees) will automatically affect green open spaces in maintaining a sustainable ecological balance of pollution, land and air," he said.

Therefore, he said, his party had issued a Appeal Letter as of September 17, 2023 Number 660.5/6336/DLH/IX/2023 containing the rampant installation of image marks for legislative candidates and campaign attributes for 2024 election participants on reforestation trees.

"So together we convey that such actions above can damage the sustainability and sustainability of the green path and/or median roads as stated in Makassar Mayor Regulation (Perwali) Number 71 of 2019 concerning the arrangement and management of green open spaces in Makassar City.

For this purpose, his party urges not to use reforestation trees as socialization / campaign media. If it is found that the installation of campaign props (symbols, image marks, and other information regarding election participants) is installed on the reforestation tree of the city, it is brought under control in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Separately, the Coordinator of the Prevention, Community Participation and Public Relations Division of Makassar City Bawaslu, Risal Suaib, emphasized that the Makassar Mayor's Regulation should be enforced regarding the installation of props, including on 12 protocol roads that are not allowed to install the APK.

"Before entering the campaign period, the city government should have brought order, so of course there would be no frenzy. Logically, before entering the election, the city government should have tidied up," he said on the sidelines of a casual discussion with the theme of partnership with the press in the hall of the local Bawaslu Office.

When asked whether so far his party had coordinated with the Makassar City Government regarding the control of the APK that was placed on trees, including the APK installed on power poles, he said it was the Makassar City Government's authority to control it.

"If preconditions appeared (the city government at the beginning cleaned them) there would be no incident. Now people rely on one perception that Bawaslu wants to solve it, while the rules (city government) do not clearly mention it. We continue to coordinate, continue to urge the APK. The PKPU is not regulated," he said.