East Jakarta Police Together With Jibom Team Gegana Polda Metro Comb Sterilization 148 Churches Ahead Of Christmas Celebration

JAKARTA - East Jakarta Metro Police Chief leads the sterilization of a number of churches in East Jakarta. The first church to be examined was the Coinonia Church which is located on Jalan Matraman Raya, to be precise next to the East Jakarta Metro Police, Jatinegara District, East Jakarta, Sunday, December 24, 2023, afternoon.

The sterilization examination involved a number of Jibom Team Gegana Sat Brimob Polda Metro Jaya starting at 11.00 WIB. Joint officers from the East Jakarta Metro Police and the Jibom Team Gegana Sat Brimob conducted a sweep of the Coinonia Church area.

The sweeping includes church yards, waterways, pipes, plant pots, and areas within the church area.

"We are carrying out sterilization in churches in East Jakarta," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Leo Simarmata, to VOI, Sunday, December 24, 2023.

Other churches carried out by sterilization include St. Church. Antonius Padua on Jalan Raya Otista No. 76, Kel. Bidracina, Kec. Jatinegara. Then, St. Yoseph Church on Jalan Raya Matraman, No. 127, Kel. Palmeriam, Kec. Matraman. Then, Kudus Church on Jalan Balai Pustakat, Kel. Rawamangun, Kec. Pulogadung, East Jakarta.

"The sterilization route starts from the church next to the Polres, continuing to the Otista area," he continued at the Kudus Church," he said.

Please note, in the East Jakarta area, there are 148 churches spread across 10 sub-districts.