Looking For COVID-19 Information In Jakarta? To Mall Aja

JAKARTA - The DKI Provincial Government provides additional socialization for people who need an understanding of the corona virus or COVID-19 other than via telephone. This socialization was held in a number of shopping centers or malls.

Head of the Jakarta Communication, Information and Statistics Office Atika Nur Rahmania said that corona socialization was not provided in all malls, there were only mall representatives scattered in 5 administrative cities throughout Jakarta.

The DKI Provincial Government has placed the socialization at Thamrin City Mall in Central Jakarta, Kelapa Gading Mall in North Jakarta, Central Park Mall in West Jakarta, Gandaria City Mall and Kota Kasablanka Mall in South Jakarta, and Bassura Mall in East Jakarta.

Apart from malls, socialization was also carried out in several transportation facilities and markets, such as Dukuh Atas Station, Gambir Station, BTN Harmoni Bus Stop, Glodok and Esemka Markets, M Bloc, and Jatinegara Mester Market.

"This counseling is carried out by health workers at 15 points. They inform the people of Jakarta about the COVID-19 virus. The public can also see the publication material on the standing banner at the promotional locations," said Atika at City Hall, Gambir, Central Jakarta, Friday, March 6.

In addition, the Jakarta COVID-19 Response Team provides additional information channel sites for Jakarta residents who wish to seek information from home. This is to accommodate information about DKI Jakarta Provincial Government services that are not available on the Ministry of Health's website.

People in Jakarta can access information through the corona.jakarta.go.id website. "On the homepage of this web, we can get direct information on what COVID-19 is, and provide public insights regarding COVID-19 and also related to the most frequently asked questions or FAQ," he said.

Meanwhile, as of today, the Covid-19 Response Team Posko has served people who ask questions about corona via WhatsApp, SMS, telephone channels as many as 2,774 times.

Head of the Health Resources Division of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, Ani Ruspitawati, said that the number of people under monitoring was 267, consisting of 127 still being monitored, and 140 having been monitored.

"Meanwhile, the number of patients under surveillance is 83, with details of 49 still being treated at the hospital, and 34 people have returned home for treatment," said Ani.

Head of Jakarta Communication, Information and Statistics Office Atika Nur Rahmania (Diah Ayu Wardani / VOI)

Head of the DKI Jakarta Communication, Information and Statistics Office, Atika Nur Rahmania, added that the number of people recorded in monitoring and supervision collected by the DKI Provincial Government is outside the central government data collection.

"All information conveyed by DKI is within the authority of DKI Province based on incoming calls and complaints from the post," concluded Atika.