This Specialist Doctor From Eka Hospital Gives An Explanation About Pinched Facilities
JAKARTA - Doctor of Orthopedic and Traumatology Consultant Spinal Eka Hospital BSD, dr. Asrafi Rizki Gatam, Sp.OT (K) Sppine provides insight into Henia Nucleus Puposus (HNP) or commonly called pinched nerve.
He explained that being loaded with pinched is a condition when the spine receives excessive pressure, causing the bearings located between the spine to be damaged.
"Many have miskrations related to nerves pinned with low back pain, where low back pain or lower back pain has a wider cause, such as muscle injury or fracture," said dr. Asrafi, in a statement received, Friday, December 22.
According to him, pinched nerves occur when the spinal pad comes out of its original position, puts pressure on the surrounding nerves and causes long-lasting pain.
Although it can occur in various parts of the bone, generally the most often occurs in the lower backbone. The location of pinched nerves can cause pain, numbness, weakness, or paralysis in the legs.
"Chiri typical of pinched nerve diseases involves pain that radiates from the neck to the hands, accompanied by sensations such as numbness, tingling, burning, and persistent and non-vanishing shocks over a long period of time," explained dr. Asrafi.
In general, there are several factors that can increase a person's risk of getting pinched nerves. Like age, the older a person's age, the higher a person's risk of getting pinched nerves.
Then, weight can also increase the risk of a person experiencing pinched nerves. Kneural history is pinched or family history has experienced pinched nerves.
Tight nerves usually attack people 'people who have high risk, one of which is workers. Some work such as building coolies, delivery gallons of water, to factory and logistics workers have routines that make them accustomed to lifting heavy loads frequently.
Without realizing it this is one of the risks that can cause people to experience low back pain and pinched nerves. However, this does not mean that pinched nerves only occur in field workers, office workers also have their own risks which can cause them to experience low back pain and pinched nerves.
The office worker spends part of his time sitting on a chair, where this can put more compression on the spine than when standing.
This risk could increase if these workers also have other risks such as the elderly or have excess weight. This is why nerves have been pinched so far into one of the common spinal disorders, especially among workers.
"About 70-80 percent of cases of pinched nerves occur as a result of muscle weakness, which occurs because a person rarely trains his muscles by exercising," he said.
Spinal pillows can support the spine well, but when you receive excess compression, the muscles help hold it in position. Weakness of a person's muscles increases the risk of pinched nerves.
The handling of low back pain can be done conservatively or optically. Light cases can be treated with pain relievers and physiotherapy for faster recovery.
Advances in methods and technology have made it easier to deal with spinal problems, including pinched nerves, through spinal cord endoscopy. This minimum invasive procedure uses a small tube with cameras and spotlights for large surgeryless body inspections.
Excess spinal cord endoscopy involves using local drugs, low risk of complications, rapid action duration, and faster recovery. Various types of endoscopy, such as BESS and PELD, were selected by doctors according to patient needs.
In more severe cases, the Robotic Navigation Spine Surgery is used. This method, using robotic technology, has a high level of accuracy and success. Certain specialist doctors can operate this technology.
The advantages of the Robotic Navigation of Spine Surgery include an accuracy rate of implant placement reaching 99.9 percent, a success rate of up to 100 percent, a shorten of operating time, and a lower risk of infection. The method is also effective for various spinal problems, such as recolliscosis to bone tumors.
"Various spinal problem treatment options are currently available and orthopedic specialists can help patients choose the right method to overcome the cause of low back pain," he concluded.