Muhaimin Iskandar's Move To Pursue Investment To Enter Indonesia

JAKARTA - Vice Presidential Candidate Muhaimin Iskandar or Cak Imin said legal certainty and maintaining business stability in the community are the keys to pursuing investment into Indonesia.

In addition, said Imin, investment must also be open and must also be shifted to the labor-intensive sector.

Investasi juga masih tertutup, kita ingin terbuka, tidak hanya investasi di sektor-sektor tertentu, kita harus melimpir ke dasar karya, agar dapat pekerjaan, katanya dalam debat kawapres dikutip dari YouTube KPU RI, Jumat, 22 Desember.

The second step is for investment to enter MSMEs, continued Imin, is by increasing the capacity and production of MSMEs in the country. He said, this is the responsibility of the government to convince and provide facilities for potential investors from within and outside the country.

"The most important thing is legal certainty so that guarantees can be trusted. Government and legal credibility must be moved so that it can trust," he said.

Imin also emphasized that investment is an important thing for Indonesia's economic growth. He said investors would not enter if there was no trust in Indonesia.

"Investment will not enter if there is no trust, with legal certainty and maintaining business stability in our society," he said.