H-4 Christmas 2023, 648 Thousand Vehicles Leave Jabotabek

JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk recorded as many as 648,813 vehicles leaving the Jabotabek area on D-7 to D-4 Christmas Day 2023 which falls in the period Monday-Thursday (18-21 December 2023).

"This figure is the cumulative number of traffic flows (traffic) from the four Barrier / Main Toll Gates (GT), namely GT Cikupa (to Merak), GT Ciawi (to Puncak), and GT Cikampek Utama (towards Trans Java) and GT Kalihurip Utama (to Bandung)," said Jasa Marga's Corporate Communication & Community Development Group Head Lisye Octaviana as reported by ANTARA, Friday, December 22.

Lisye said the total volume of traffic leaving the Jabotabek area increased by 21.77 percent compared to normal traffic (532,832 vehicles) in the same period. When compared to the 2022 Christmas period, the total volume of this traffic increased by 6.94 percent (606,722 vehicles).

For the distribution of traffic leaving Jabotabek towards the three directions, the majority were 280,595 vehicles (43.25 percent) heading East (Trans Java and Bandung), 216,200 vehicles (33.32 percent) headed West (Merak), and 152,018 vehicles (23.43 percent) headed South (Puncak).

The details of the distribution of traffic leaving Jabotabek towards Trans Java via GT Cikampek Utama Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, with a total of 144,465 vehicles, an increase of 36.13 percent from normal traffic.

Then traffic left Jabotabek heading towards Bandung via GT Kalihurip Utama Cipularang Toll Road, with a total of 136,130 vehicles, an increase of 20.94 percent from normal traffic.

The total traffic leaving Jabotabek towards Trans Java and Bandung through the two GTs was 280,595 vehicles, an increase of 28.31 percent from normal traffic.

Then traffic leaving Jabotabek towards Merak via GT Cikupa Tangerang-Merak Toll Road is 216,200 vehicles, an increase of 16.71 percent from normal traffic.

Meanwhile, the number of vehicles leaving Jabotabek heading towards Puncak via GT Ciawi Jagorawi Toll Road was 152,018 vehicles, an increase of 17.93 percent from normal traffic.

Lisye again reminded that the peak of the homecoming flow for the Christmas period is predicted to occur on Friday, December 22, 2023.

He appealed to road users to avoid travel at the predicted time to peak and avoid travel at their favorite times such as in the morning and at night to avoid accumulation of vehicles.