Jennifer Jill's Complete Set Of Suction Shabu Is Hidden In Her Child's Room

JAKARTA - The police said that two packages of methamphetamine that belonged to Jennifer Jill were found in her son's room. This is because when the shabu search was found in the cupboard.

"Inside the cabinet was found a box containing 2 packages suspected of methamphetamine and a suction device", said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Yusri Yunus at Polda Metro, West Jakarta, Friday, February 19.

Yusri also described the discovery of the two crystal meth packages. All have faced when the police receive information regarding the circulation of narcotics.

So it was followed up and led to Jennifer Jill's house. The police also ransacked the house.

When searching Pilo's room, Jennifer's son, the police saw a cupboard that was said to have never been opened. The wardrobe is said to belong to Jennifer.

"There is a cupboard that belongs to his mother. (Based on) The confession of Pilo belongs to his mother,  JJ, which her son cannot open at all", said Yusri.

Then, the police opened the cupboard and found a box. When the box was opened, it turned out that it contained two packages of methamphetamine and a suction device.

"Pilo's confession belonged to his mother, but at that time his mother and father were not there", said Yusri.

So, based on information from Pilo, the police headed to the location where Jennifer Jill was. There, Jennifer was secured and immediately taken to the West Jakarta Metro Police for intensive examination.

"Investigators went to the place of the mother and father. The mother and father were found in one place and then taken to the West Jakarta Police", said Yusri.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Jill was arrested in the Ancol area, North Jakarta, on Tuesday, February 16. When they were arrested, the police also helped to secure her husband and son named Ajun Perwira and Pilo.

Based on the results of the investigation, Jennifer Jill admitted that the two packages of crystal meth were hers. So, the police named her a suspect.

In this case, Jennifer Jill was charged with Article 112 paragraph 1 of Law number 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics.