Saudi Arabia Provides 3,267 Tons Of Aid To Gaza

JAKARTA - Saudi Arabian Ambassador to Indonesia Faisal bin Abdullah Al-Mudi said the kingdom of Saudi Arabia provided a total of 3,267 tons of aid for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

"The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues to make humanitarian and political efforts and calls on the international community to jointly take responsibility for the events that occurred in Gaza, especially between Israel and Hamas," said Ambassador Faisal at the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Thursday, December 21.

This war, said the Ambassador, had caused many casualties and further undermined human values.

"Saudi Arabia confirms the need to maintain civil rights and strongly reject actions that swallow civilians and result in infrastructure being destroyed so that there is no public service in Gaza".

According to the Ambassador, Saudi Arabia is currently trying to ask for a ceasefire and access to aid to Gaza so that it can help Gazans.

In terms of politics, the ambassador continued, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia called on Arab and Islamic countries to hold Extraordinary Summits to support cases of Palestinian issues.

"After the Summit, the Saudi Arabian government led the ministerial-level council committee to present one attitude. One of its members was the Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi. The goal was to stop violence and maintain civil rights in Gaza," he said.

Saudi Arabia recently conducted a campaign to deliver aid to people in Gaza. "The aid reaches 5 billion Saudi Arabian riyals (around Rp20 trillion)", he said.

The Ambassador said that until now 27 aircraft carrying more than 604 tons of aid consisting of food, medical supplies and evacuation equipment have entered the Gaza Strip.

The kingdom also provided assistance through WFP of 5 million US dollars (around Rp. 77 billion), through ICRC of 10 million US dollars (around Rp. 155 billion), UNRWA worth 15 million US dollars (around Rp. 232 billion) and WHO of 10 million US dollars (around Rp. 155 billion).