Ketum Golkar Soal JK Dukung AMIN: Punya Preferensi, Kita Harai Itu

JAKARTA - The General Chairperson (Ketum) of the Golkar Party has spoken about the direction of senior support for the Golkar Party Jusuf Kalla (JK) in the 2024 presidential election. JK has just expressed support for the presidential and vice presidential candidates, Anies Baswedan and Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN).

"The Golkar Party is concrete in supporting Prabowo and Gibran. structurally, all of the councils in the Golkar Party are all firm," he said at the Golkar DPP Office, Jakarta, Wednesday, December 20, which was confiscated by Antara.

Airlangga claimed that JK's support, who is also the former General Chair of Golkar, did not have an influence on the Golkar Party.

"He (JK) has a preference and we respect that," he said.

Previously, the 10th and 12th Vice Presidents of the Republic of Indonesia Jusuf Kalla emphasized his political stance in supporting the candidate pairs-cawapres Anies-Muhaimin or AMIN in the 2024 presidential election.

"So today, in Makassar, I convey my attitude (supporting AMIN). Hopefully there will be benefits for all of you," said Jusuf Kalla while attending a gathering held by the Presidium of the South Sulawesi People's Movement for the AMIN Winning National Team, at the IMIM Islamic Center Building, Makassar, Tuesday, December 19 evening.