TEI Ke-38 Raup Transaksi Hingga Rp473,08 Triliun

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) recorded transactions of up to 30.5 billion US dollars equivalent to Rp473.08 trillion (exchange rate of Rp15,511 per US dollar) at the 38th Trade Expo Indonesia or TEI 2023 activities. This value is much higher than the target set at 11 billion US dollars.

This international trade exhibition was held in a hybrid manner, namely offline from 18 to 22 October at ICE BSD City Tangerang. Then online or online from 18 October to 18 December 2023.

Our total achievement reaches 30.5 billion US dollars. This is certainly far beyond the target of 11 billion US dollars in 2022. This is a heavy burden for us in organizing the Trade Expo next year. Hopefully it can reach the same number, thank God it can be even more," said Director General of National Export Development of the Ministry of Trade Didi Sumedi at the Ministry of Trade, Wednesday, December 20.

Didi said India became the country with the largest product transactions in the 38th TEI reaching 7.58 billion US dollars. In second place, continued Didi, Malaysia with a total transaction of 6.32 billion US dollars.

"From China 5.59 billion US dollars, Saudi Arabia 2.86 billion US dollars, and the Philippines 926 million US dollars," said Didi.

The Five Largest Contributors' Goods And Services

Didi said the five largest transaction contributors to goods and services were still held by coal with a total of 13.80 billion US dollars. Then, chemical and organic chemicals amounted to 3.73 billion US dollars.

From other manufactured products 3.35 billion US dollars. Formal work force amounted to 2.70 billion US dollars and electronic products amounted to 625.62 million US dollars," he said.

Furthermore, Didi said the transaction that occurred was supported by a business matching activity of US$20 million. Then, the signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was US$24.37 billion.

"Then daily transactions of online and offline exhibitions amounted to 6.11 billion US dollars," he said.

According to Didi, the largest transaction value is generated from the MoU. The reason is, the MoU comes from the buyer who already believes in the Trade Expo Indonesia event.

"This means that they believe in Indonesian products and this shows that their trust in Indonesian products continues to strengthen. It is proven that the MoU produced is getting bigger than last year, even from previous years," he explained.