44 Security Posts In Lampung Built Welcoming Christmas And New Year 2024, Including In Bakauheni

LAMPUNG - Lampung Regional Police (Polda) said that 44 security posts were prepared to secure Christmas 2023 and the new year 2024.

"In addition, we have also prepared 21 service posts and one integrated post," said Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol Umi Fadilah Astutik, in Badarlampung, Thursday, December 20.

He said, for the integrated post, it was established in Bakauheni, South Lampung Regency, which is the entry and exit of vehicles to Sumatra Island and Java Island.

"For the personnel we have deployed more than 3,000 people," he said.

Umi said that these personnel would be placed in the posts that had been formed to help and secure people who would carry out Christmas and New Year's services.

"Later, there will be personnel on guard at tourist attractions and places of worship," he said.

Umi appealed to people who will carry out Christmas and New Year's services by traveling long distances to re-check the condition of their vehicles and their physicalities so that they can be safe and smooth on the way.

"It is hoped that to prepare well for the condition of the vehicle and also physically, if you feel tired, please rest at the posts that are already available," he said.