Ahead Of The Christmas And New Year Holidays, Tirtonadi Solo Terminal Kandangkan Bus Tak Laik Jalan

SOLO - Type A Terminal Tirtonadi Solo ensures that buses that do not pass the due diligence will be grounded. The process will involve Central Java Provincial Transportation Agency officers and Central Java Class II Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD).

Supervisory of the Tirtonadi Terminal Service Unit (Wassatpel), Bandiyono said this in order to face the 2023 Christmas and 2024 New Year holidays. He said this effort was to provide a sense of security to prospective passengers.

The intercity bus-like test in the province (AKDP) was held by the Tirtonadi Terminal today. A total of 70 samples were examined, two of whom were declared administrative violations.

According to Bandiyono, the two buses came from two different POs. As a sanction, his party carried out a fine.

On the same occasion, Head of Road Facilities and Transportation Section, Central Java Class II Lake Crossing River, Tofan Muis, said that the Christmas and New Year's Homecoming Test activities were held at all Type A Terminals in Central Java.

"We are also holding a tactical post in the Kali Kakung area," he said on the sidelines of a due test activity at the Tirtonadi Terminal Solo, Central Java, Wednesday, December 20.

His party also ensures that service facilities at the terminal can function properly so as to provide comfort to the community.

"We have prepared facilities at the terminal, such as the newly inaugurated Tingkir Terminal and Purworejo Terminal which will also be inaugurated in the near future," he said.