Anies Promises To Ban His Minister From Having Conflict Of Interest, If Violated Automatically Resigns

Presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan promised that if elected president, he would prohibit his ranks of ministers from having conflicts of interest while carrying out their duties in the cabinet.

When serving as president if elected, Anies admitted that he would ask the ministers he had appointed to make a written commitment accompanied by their respective signatures.

"So I want to make sure. One, they signed a commitment. Two, sign a commitment if you automatically commit to resign, automatically, don't need to be asked, once you automatically violate resign. So we don't have to ask to resign later because it's part of the commitment, if it's violated, then we have to resign," said Anies in Mataram, NTB, Tuesday, December 19.

Anies said it was important to commit like this. This is because ministers are assigned to maintain people's trust in the country.

Moreover, Anies continued, they were sworn in to guard their words, actions, and signatures in the name of the state and no longer in personal name.

"It must be maintained consistently. So, don't let it be firm at the beginning about there is no conflict of interest, but while the slow way is tolerated. I think there must be consistent guarding here," said Anies.

Based on that, Anies also talked about the neutrality of state officials during the 2024 election. He feels that currently many are questioning whether they are still maintaining neutrality or not.

"What does that mean? Our sub-awareness says, 'we don't believe in the country, that's why we suspect'. Previously, it never existed. This was not allowed, the state had to restore trust because pillars in democracy are people's trust in the country. Where did it come from, from the top one must maintain that trust," he added.