This Is The Reason Anies Is Willing To Sign An Integrity Pact With Ijtima Ulama In The 2024 Presidential Election

Presidential candidate number 1 Anies Baswedan explained the reasons why he and his vice presidential candidate, Muhaimin Iskandar, were willing to sign an integrity pact with Ijtima Ulama which contained 13 points of agreement.

Anies claimed that he was willing to make a political contract with those who would support him in the election as long as the contents of the agreement did not conflict with the values of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

"When we get support from Ijtima Ulama, they have 13 points. The 13 points can be read by anyone and everyone knows, and the contents are for the progress of the nation and state. We are ready to do the same as any group as long as it is in line with the principles of Pancasila, the 1945 Constitution, and for the benefit of the community," said Anies in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, Tuesday, December 19.

Moreover, Anies said that the political contract with support groups in the political contestation did not only occur during the 2024 presidential election.

This kind of thing was also done by Anies during the 2017 DKI Pilkada. Anies once signed a political contract with residents of Tanah Merah village to the City Poor People's Network (JRMK).

"On the one hand, there is a responsibility to support, on the other hand, if the trust is given, there is a responsibility to carry out it to become a commitment. This is modern practice," explained Anies.

"Why? Because if primitive use rupiah. We are not trapped in rupiah matters. We are working on modern principles. Where the mandate is carried out for the public interest. So, we are open," he added.

For information, Anies and Cak Imin signed 13 points of integrity pact submitted by Ijtima Ulama. The points of this integrity pact will be carried out by Anies and Cak Imin if they win the 2024 election contestation. Here are the points: 1. Maintaining the unity and integrity of the Republic of Indonesia based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution from the undermins of secularism, Islamophobia, terrorism, separatism and imperialism.

2. Carry out consistently the mandate of TAP MPRS no. XXV 1966 concerning the Dissolution of PKI and the Prohibition of the Spread of Communism, Marxism and Leninism which mandates to close gaps both legally and politically for the rise of the PKI.

3. Carry out the mandate of the Law on the Anti-Corruption of Religion as stipulated in Presidential Decree No. I / PNPS / 1965, which was later enacted into Law Number 5 of 1969 which was included in the Criminal Code Article 156 a, so that anyone who tarnishes any religion must be prosecuted, to protect all recognized religions in Indonesia from all forms of blasphemy and blasphemy, including buzzers who complain of religious sheep and dividers of the nation.

4. Respect the position of ulama and religious leaders and are willing to consider the opinions of Ulama and religious leaders in resolving problems related to the benefit of the life of the nation and state.

5. Melakukan revolusi akhlak di semua sektor kehidupan untuk membangun bangsa yang beraklakul karimah demi menuju Indonesia bertakwa dan berkedukan dengan melindungi masyarakat dari rongongan gaya hidup serta paham-demirus yang berflawan dengan kesusila dan norm-norma lainnya yang berlaku di tengah masyarakat Indonesia serta melawan dengan Pancasila.

6. It is carried out fully by the national education system which aims to increase faith and piety as well as noble morals in order to educate the nation's life, and ensure the availability of budgets that prioritize general education and religious education proportionally.

7. Realizing economic sovereignty by maintaining national natural wealth and seriously returning state assets, to be used as much as possible for the prosperity of the Indonesian people, and ensuring a decent life for citizens to realize food sovereignty, clothing and boards, as well as sharpening adequate budget allocations and easy access to the implementation of people's health and maintaining the feasibility of health services both government and private and improving all health requirements so that they are in line with the interests of the people.

8. Improve the economy and living standards of the poor by opening up the widest possible job opportunities for Indonesian workers to improve the welfare of Indonesian workers through a feasible wage policy as long as they limit the entry of foreign workers to Indonesia, if needed to bring in foreign workers only limited to the workforce ahl God, whose expertise is not available in the country alone for the purpose of transferring of knowledge with a limited time, as well as re-recording and then repatriating foreign workers whose work permits have exceeded the provisions.

9. Struggling for Palestinian independence from Israeli colonialism in accordance with the mandate of the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution which states that colonialism above the world must be abolished, and play an active role in upholding world peace. as well as prohibiting the spread of zionism because it contains teachings of racist and fascist apartheid.

10. Stipulating fair laws and human rights and implicitly without discrimination, guaranteeing the fulfillment and restoration of the rights of victims of abuse of power by law enforcement officials, and not hesitate to enforce the law against law enforcers who abuse power.

11. Eradication of corruption, collusion and nepotism indiscriminately, and ensuring the best management of state finances without reckless debt.

12. Guarantee the fulfillment of association rights, gather and express opinions orally and in writing in accordance with the 1945 Constitution, and guarantee the protection of religious figures from all forms of criminalization.

13. Strengthen the advocate profession in order to get equal and balanced treatment before the law with other law enforcers such as the Police, Prosecutors and Judges in order to ensure the rights of justice seekers who have been victims of unbalanced law enforcement and implement land refometry programs to eradicate land mafias.

"We as presidential and vice presidential candidates in the presidential election in the 2024 General Election state that we understand and are ready to carry out the message produced by Ijtima Ulama and 2023 Leaders above," concluded Anies and Cak Imin's statement in the integrity pact, accompanied by a signature.