KPK Hopes No More Regional Heads Stumble Upon Corruption, Moreover, Bansos COVID-19

YOGYAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Alexander Marwata, hopes that there will be no more regional heads caught in corruption cases. The KPK warns about social assistance for residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which is still being rolled out by the government

"It was enough yesterday that the Minister of Social Affairs (Juliari P Batubara) should not have an official in the region, especially if the regional head gets into trouble regarding social assistance," Alexander said at the Integrated Corruption Eradication Coordination (Prevention) event in the DIY Region in Kepatihan, Yogyakarta, as quoted by Antara. Between, Thursday, 18 February.

Alexander asked no more officials to cut or reduce the quality of social assistance quota that should be accepted by the community.

"There should be no more actions or deeds that cut or reduce the quality or share of society that must be accepted," he said.

According to him, the message needs to be emphasized again considering that the state budget (APBN) this year is likely to still be allocated for overcoming the impact of COVID-19, including by distributing social assistance.

"This year I don't think it will be much different. There is still social assistance for people affected by the pandemic," he said.

Alexander said the KPK will focus on four areas to prevent corruption. Includes rescue of regional finances and assets, procurement of goods and services, one-stop licensing, and management of the state civil apparatus (ASN).

"We encourage these four areas because they cause the most corruption in the regions," he said.