Suggestion Of Synthetic Drugs In Apartments, Palestinian Citizen Arrested By Sidoarjo Police Officers

JAKARTA - The officers of the Drug Investigation Unit of the Sidoarjo Police, East Java, have arrested a Palestinian citizen for being involved in drugs.

Wakapolresta Sidoarjo AKBP Deny Agung Andriana said the perpetrator with the initials KW was arrested by officers while enjoying synthetic drugs in one of the apartments in Waru District, Sidoarjo.

Apart from KW, the officers also arrested SW, a local resident who circulated the synthetic drugs. "SW, a local resident, was arrested by officers when he was about to distribute synthetic tobacco drugs in the area of the Tropodo Sidoarjo gas station. Both are different cases," he said at the Sidoarjo Police Headquarters, Thursday, February 19. .

KW was arrested on Thursday, February 11 while using narcotics, a type of synthetic tobacco.

"From the hands of the suspect, Satresnarkoba Polresta Sidoarjo securing evidence in the form of two medium-sized plastic clip packs containing class I narcotics (a type of synthetic tobacco) with a gross weight of around 4.44 grams each," he said.

Apart from owning synthetic tobacco, he said, the perpetrator also admitted that he had lived in Indonesia illegally for two years because his passport had expired.

"It ended in 2017. Prior to Sidoarjo, the perpetrator claimed to live in Jakarta," he said.

He said that the officers managed to arrest SW next to the Tropodo Sidoarjo gas station by confiscating quite a lot of evidence.

"Among them are four plastic clip packs containing synthetic tobacco weighing 372.24 grams, three plastic clip packages containing super premium Gayo green tobacco weighing 3,250 grams, two bottles containing 1 liter of methanol, electric scales," he said. his.

For the SW actors, he continued, were dealers with sales markets in the Sidoarjo regency and outside Sidoarjo regency. "Even from the acknowledgment of the perpetrator to the Papua Islands," he said.

As a result of his actions, the suspect foreigner was caught in Article 112 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 127 of Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics and SW Suspects entangled in Article 114 paragraph (1) and / or Article 112 paragraph (1) Jo Article 129 letter a of RI Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics. The suspect is sentenced to a minimum of 4 years in prison.