OJK Asks Banks To Block More Than 4,000 Online Judicial Accounts

JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) always upholds its commitment to maintain the integrity of the financial system by ordering banks to block identified accounts from being used for illegal activities such as facilitating online gambling or money laundering facilities.

As mandated in Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning Prevention and Eradication of Money Laundering (TPPU Law) and Law Number 4 of 2023 concerning the Development and Strengthening of the Financial Sector (P2SK Law).

"In the last three months, we have ordered banks to block more than 4,000 online gambling accounts," said OJK Banking Supervision Chief Executive Dian Ediana Rae, quoted from her official statement, Tuesday, December 19.

Dian said that he had asked banks to develop a system that was able to profile online gambling behavior so that they could recognize online gambling activities early and block them independently.

According to Dian, Bank has a responsibility to recognize customer profiles and their behavior in the use of accounts that are opened in its bank. If an unnatural or suspicious movement is found, the bank must report it to PPATK and take actions to prevent the customer's account from being used to facilitate and facilitate banking crimes.

Dian said that the Indonesian banking industry also has a strong commitment to support efforts to eradicate online gambling, including blocking accounts according to the order of the OJK, including identifying, providing tools, and monitoring transactions that do not comply with customer profiles.

In addition, OJK also asks banks to increase customer due diligence and enhanced due diligence (CDD/EDD) to identify whether customers/candidate customers are included in the online gambling list or other criminal acts through banks.

In addition to the OJK's request, the Bank also conducted an independent analysis and blocking of accounts.

Dian said blocking bank accounts is one of the efforts to minimize and limit space for online gambling transactions through the banking system.

" Account information allegedly related to online gambling and technical blocking of accounts is carried out through coordination with related Ministries/Institutions, including the Ministry of Communication and Informatics and the banking industry," he explained.

Dian also emphasized that if there is a mismatch in transactions with the usual profile, characteristics, or transaction pattern, the Bank must immediately take appropriate action, including reporting Suspicious Financial Transactions (TKM) to PPATK.

"In certain situations, banks can temporarily suspend transactions and block accounts if there are orders from Law Enforcement Officials, as well as related institutions/ministerial or authorities including OJK," said Dian.

In addition to blocking bank accounts, Dian said OJK also made other efforts to eradicate online gambling, including specifically coaching banks on online gambling, educating the public about the dangers of online gambling, as well as cooperation with other related parties.

Dian conveyed that with the increasing coordination and synergy between OJK and relevant stakeholders, it is hoped that the eradication of online gambling in Indonesia can run more effectively and massively.

According to Dian in order to continue to strengthen the integrity of the financial services sector, OJK has also issued OJK Regulation (POJK) Number 8 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Anti-Money Laundering Programs, Prevention of Terrorism Financing, and Prevention of Funding for Mass Destruction Weapons Proliferation in the Financial Services Sector.

Previously, OJK also had POJK No. 39 of 2019 concerning the Implementation of Anti-Fraud Strategies which have so far been able to minimize the potential for fraud in the banking system.

Most recently, OJK has also issued POJK Number 17 of 2023 concerning the Implementation of Governance for Commercial Banks. Implementation of good governance is very fundamental in managing a bank's business activities to be able to develop in a healthy and sustainable manner by prioritizing values, ethics, principles, and upholding integrity.

Dian conveyed that in the future, OJK will continue to establish synergies and coordinate and cooperate with various parties to eradicate online gambling and other criminal acts in the banking sector in Indonesia.

"This effort is carried out to protect the public from the dangers of online gambling which can be economically and socially detrimental," he concluded.