Pekanbaru Rejects To Accommodate 13 Rohingya Refugees

PekanbarU - Kesbangpol Pekanbaru has not been willing to accept the process of handing over as many as 13 Rohingya refugees when the Task Force (Task Force) for Handling Refugees from Abroad (PPLN) handed over the refugees should have been in Tenayan.

"On Monday (18/12) afternoon the Pekanbaru City PPLN Task Force Team had escorted refugees to the Pekanbaru Kesbangpol Office, but when they were in the office, it turned out that there were no officials or staff who received the officers and refugees, so we decided to temporarily place them in two shelters in Pekanbaru," said Head of the Pekanbaru Rudenim Registration, Administration and Reporting Section, Ungky in Pekanbaru, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, December 18.

According to Ungky, the Head of the Pekanbaru City Kesbangpol is the Chief Executive of the Pekanbaru City Refugee Handling Task Force (Satgas PPLN).

Seperti perintah dari Kepala Rudenim Panogu HD Sitanggang, Ungky bersama sejumlah petugas Rudenim, didampingi Binda Pekanbaru, dan Kanit 4 Sat Intelkam Polrestas Pekanbaru Iptu Putra Adin mengampir 13 pengungsi tersebut pada ke dua tempat penginapan sementara itu yakni Orkhid dan Siak Resort.

"Based on humanitarian reasons, safety and security, they are temporarily kept in the two shelters," said Ungky.

The head of the Pekanbaru Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim), Panogu HD Sitanggang, said the 13 Rohingya people were already in Pekanbaru City on Wednesday (13/12) at 22.00 WIB at the Al-Ikhlas Mosque yard, RT 03/RW 06, Maharatu Village, Marpoyan Damai District.

"Due to the rejection from local residents, the 13 Rohingya people were arrested by the Bukit Raya Police and Pekanbaru Police in the vicinity of MTQ Pekanbaru Jl. General Sudirman Pekanbaru," he said.

On Thursday (14/12), 13 foreigners from ethnic Myanmar Rohingya were handed over from the City Resort Police.

Pekanbaru told the Pekanbaru Rudenim consisting of two families totaling 9 people and 4 single people with their data are Iman Hossain (lk), Sabakur Nahar (Pr), Yasmin Tara Begum (pr), Julekha Bibi (pr), Shohida (pr) is a family.

In addition, Nurujjaman (lk), Laila Begum (pr), Ashiqara (pr), Mohammad Ayuf Khan (lk) are also one family. While those who are single (single) are Josim Mudin (lk), Mohammad Fori Alam (lk), Mohammad Sadak (lk), and Samsul Alam (lk).

Next, based on the results of the joint decision of the Pekanbaru City PPLN Task Force meeting, the 13 Myanmar Citizens (Rohingya) were temporarily deposited at the Pekanbaru Immigration Detention Center until they waited for the results of verification by the Pekanbaru United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative.

After the identification data collection was carried out by Pekanbaru Immigration Detention Center Officers and the verification process by the Pekanbaru United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative on Friday (15/12) it was confirmed that the 13 foreigners had been registered as As As Asaka Searchers at the Indonesian United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

"In accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 125 of 2016 Article 24 (1) and Article 25 (1), Pekanbaru Immigration Detention Center will bring and place 13 foreigners from Myanmar Citizens Ethnic Rohingya to the Head of the Pekanbaru City Kesbangpol as the Acting Chief Executive of the Pekanbaru City PPLN Task Force, but we did not meet the Pekanbaru Kesbangpol officials," said Ponagu.