ODGJ Goes Raging, Brings Knives Then Attacks Bhabinkamtibmas To Robek Slipis

TANGERANG A member of the Bhabinkamtibmas Curug Police with the initials DS suffered facial injuries due to being hit by a sharp weapon while securing a man who had a mental disorder in Sempur Village, Kadu, Curug, Tangerang Regency.

Dijelaskan Kapolsek Curug Kompol Sugeng, luka yang dialami DS tidak sampai menimpa mata. Luka hanya dibagian templeis saja.

"So the members were stabbed by a knife, hit in the temple," said Sugeng when confirmed, Monday, December 18.

Sugeng explained, the incident that occurred on Monday, December 18, at 10.30 WIB began when the victim DS received a report from residents of Sempur Village regarding the existence of an ODGJ carrying a sharp weapon.

As a member of Bhabinkamtibmas who is in direct contact with residents, DS goes to the location after coordinating with the local puskesmas.

The plan is that puskesmas officers assisted by the police will provide security on the report.

"When I was approached there, I fell back. He took a knife, threatened, it hit my member on the temple. The left temple," he said.

The evacuation process was dramatic. ODGJ men can be evacuated to Suharto Hospital, Grogol, West Jakarta. Meanwhile, the victim has been given medical treatment.

"The point is that we have treated the members, have returned home as well, then the ODGJ men have also been brought from the village, sub-district and health center to the Mental Hospital in Grogol," he concluded.