AIS Forum Develops Sustainable Blue Entrepreneurs In Papua New Guinea Through Community-Based Training

JAKARTA - As part of efforts to accelerate the development of entrepreneurship in the blue economy sector for the island community, the Archipelagic and Island States (AIS) Forum held a training entitled "Bluepreneur: Coastal Communities Training" at Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea on December 4 - 6, 2023.

The training which took place in Papua New Guinea was attended by collaboration between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. The Indonesian government through the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenkomarves) collaborates with the Secretariat of the AIS Forum, AIDAN Limited, and the National Capital District Commission (NCDC) Papua New Guinea, and is supported by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi.

This training program is the first step of the AIS Forum's efforts to collaborate to improve the capabilities of the people in Papua New Guinea through various activities and empowerment.

Held at the Stanley Hotel, Port Moresby, on 4-6 December 2023, this training is intended to provide various kinds of insights and skills to bluepreneurs in order to innovate in their business development. This training is a continuation of the implementation of Women's Bluepreneur Training which was held in Jakarta on 23-24 October.

Radian Nurcahyo, Assistant Deputy for Law and Maritime Agreement at the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs who was present in the implementation of the training said that this training became a medium to strengthen the capacity of coastal communities in an effort to advance the blue entrepreneurship sector, which is a potential sector for coastal communities.

"We are aware that coastal communities consist of many supporting communities with a lot of potential, especially in the blue economy sector. Therefore, AIS Forum is here as a forum to innovate and develop itself, one of which is through training like this," he said, in a written statement, Monday, December 18.

Attended by 30 bluepreneurs from various regions in Papua New Guinea, this training was held using a community-based approach. Targeting women, young people, and people with disabilities as participants in this training, AIS Forum provides space for bluepreneurs in the community in innovating in the blue economy. This is based on the fact that Papua New Guinea, together with other countries in the Pacific, has many potential resources, both natural resources and human resources.

Lasting for three days, various speakers attended and provided participants with various topics. On the first day, there were three sessions held, namely the basics of business, business management by utilizing Business Model Canvas, as well as marketing strategies by utilizing technology. On the first day, representatives from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemlu) of the Republic of Indonesia, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, and the National Capital District Commission, Papua New Guinea were also present.

The training continued on the second day in which the participants continued to discuss the material regarding the development of fishery products that could be managed on a small scale. Seeing that the potential for fishery resources in Papua New Guinea is very promising, the training topics on the second day focused on practical approaches, such as product recognition and direct practice on how to develop seaweed-based products. This was also continued on the third day, where the training participants were provided again with training on product packaging methods that had been developed.

On the third day, the Indonesian Ambassador (dubes) for Papua New Guinea, Andriana Supandy appeared to be present. Ambassador Supandy seemed to participate in monitoring the implementation of the training, as well as trying out the products made by the training participants.

Various examples of products were successfully developed jointly by the participants as an extension of the ideas that emerged during the training. It is hoped that after obtaining various materials and samples from blue economy business people, bluepreneurs can implement and re-implement the results of this training in their respective communities.

The greater hope is that participants can help advance the blue economy sector in the female entrepreneurship community, young people, and people with disabilities, and even greater, can become a supporting basis for advancing the trade sector in the Papua New Guinea area and its surroundings.