Bawaslu: Report Of Janggal Campaign Funds In The Form Of Financial Intelligence Data

JAKARTA - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) stated that the report from the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) regarding allegations of unnatural transactions for campaigns submitted to it was in the form of financial intelligence data.

"Yes, it is still being studied. First, we received the PPATK report and the form is financial intelligence data," said Bawaslu Chairman Rahmat Bagja as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, December 18.

Responding to the development of alleged campaign unnatural transaction cases, Bagja explained that the data that had been submitted by PPATK could not immediately be disclosed to the public. According to him, this is because the data is different from the others, so that data access is limited.

Another problem, according to Bagja, is that all the data needs to go through a more in-depth study, so that it can be proven that the allegation is a form of election crime violation.

He explained that the special data also resulted in the need for involvement from other parties in the study of the matter, such as the police, prosecutors who are members of the Integrated Law Enforcement Center (Gakkumdu) to take it to the investigation process.

"We will follow up on whether or not we want Bawaslu to do a study now. We will invite the police and prosecutors to straighten out the alleged election crime," he said.

Therefore, Rahmat appealed to all parties involved in the election not to just spread information related to the matter as long as the study period was not over to avoid false news in the community.

"The data is suspicious or how we have to check first. That's right, we will tell the public later. Because we have an obligation if the allegations in terms of evidence are very strong, so we can follow up on police friends and prosecutors at the Gakkum center," he said.

Rahmat also admitted that he received a call from the Head of PPATK Ivan Yustiavandana to coordinate on resolving the problem.

Meanwhile, the development of the case is planned to be announced by Bawaslu through a press conference held on Tuesday (19/12) or Wednesday (20/12).

Meanwhile, Chairman of the General Elections Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari at the same time was reluctant to comment further. Hasyim only asked the media crew and the public to patiently wait for an official announcement regarding the matter.

"Not now," he said.

Previously, PPATK Head Ivan Yustiavandana on Thursday (14/12), said that transaction reports allegedly related to money laundering in the 2024 election campaign increased 100 percent in Semester II 2023.

"We see transactions related to the massive election report to PPATK. The increase is more than 100 percent. In cash financial transactions, suspicious financial transactions, we are investigating this," he said.

He stated that his party had found several campaign activities without moving transactions in a special account of campaign funds (RKDK).

Although he did not mention the names of candidates for legislative or party members suspected of using funds from the proceeds of criminal acts for the campaign, PPATK admitted that it had reported this allegation to the General Election Commission (KPU) and Bawaslu.

This is because the proceeds that are allegedly used to fund elections consist of various criminal acts, one of which is illegal mining, with a transaction value of trillions of rupiah.