Circulating Circular Of Salaries Of Ministries, PTDI Opens Voice
JAKARTA - The Circular of the Board of Directors of PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) regarding the delay in paying employees' salaries is widely circulated. The letter explains that late salary payments due to the receipt of down payment from customers used as a source of payment are still in progress.
The letter in question is SE/024/030.02/Kum000/PTD/11/2023 dated November 23, 2023 concerning Payment for Salary in November 2023.
Regarding the letter, PTDI Corporate Secretary Gemma Grimald said that this salary issue had been anticipated and communicated. He also emphasized that employee salaries are not deducted but are paid in stages.
"Actually, this salary problem has been anticipated and communicated and discussed together with employee representatives. Therefore, until now the employee's salary has never been deducted, it's just been paid in stages," he said when confirmed, Monday, December 18.
Furthermore, Gemma said that the late payment of this salary was due to the payment process from several clients who still needed time, even though the contract had been signed and effective.
Among them is the shift in payments from DND Philippines due to changes in leadership in DND Philippines. Another example is the contract for Modernization C130 of the Indonesian Air Force and the Procurement of CN235 of the Indonesian Army which has been signed is currently still in the finalization process towards effective contracts and is targeted to receive payments from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia in December 2023-January 2024," he said.
Gemma said that her party is also trying to earn from the optimization of non-productive assets such as old inventory that cannot be used for running programs.
The company's business prospects can be seen from the signing of a contract extension with TUDM (Diraja Malaysia Air Force) for the maintenance of the CN235 aircraft for the next 5 years. PTDI's business improvement is also proven by the acquisition of new contracts worth a total of US$1 billion eqv in 2023, soaring considerably compared to contract acquisition in 2022," he explained.
Selain itu, sambung Gemma, PTDI juga mendapat kepercayaan dari Bappenas untuk mengembangkan pesawat N219 menjadi pesawat amphibsi yang dapat take-off dan landing di perairan. Hal ini akan sangat bantu pengembangan di daerah 3T.
"The things above show that the prospects for PTDI in the following years will improve, so that PTDI can develop more and progress further," said Gemma.
For your information, the circular explains that sales of unused material supplies (dead stock) and receipts of down payment from customers allocated or used as sources of salary payments are still in progress.
"So that on Friday, December 15, 2023, which is planned to pay off salaries in November 2023 according to the above reference, it is very forced to pay a maximum of Rp. 1,000,000 for each employee," the letter reads.
In the SE numbered SE/024/030.02/Kum000/PTD/11/2023 dated November 23, 2023, it is also explained that the lack of salary payments in November 2023 will be paid no later than Friday, December 22, 2023.
"On behalf of the Board of Directors and Management of PT Dirgantara Indonesia, we apologize to all Karvawan for the delay in the payment of salaries in November 2023 and to all Employees to always maintain a conducive and productive work atmosphere," the letter reads.