Having An Investment Value Of IDR 5.18 Trillion, SKK Migas Approves Two EOR Projects At WK Rokan

JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) approved the proposed Plan of Development (POD) Chemical EOR for Minas Field Phase-1 (Area-A) managed by the Cooperation Contractor (KKKS) of PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR) with an investment of IDR 1.48 trillion.

Previously, on December 1, 2023, (POD) Steamfood EOR Rantaubais Field Phase-1 had also been approved with an investment of IDR 3.7 trillion, bringing the two EOR projects' total investment to IDR 5.18 trillion. The two EOR projects are also part of fulfilling their Work Commitment. Pasti in the Rokan Working Area that has been created at the time of transfer of management.

Deputy for Exploration, Development and Management of the Working Area, SKK Migas, Benny Lubiantara, stated that the approval of these two different types of EOR projects shows the seriousness of SKK Migas and KKKS, in this case PHR, to immediately implement EOR activities from the Working Area which had previously been identified as having potential field-field candidates for the EOR project.

"The approval of the two EOR PODs at the end of 2023 shows that we are all committed to complete it completely, once entering 2024 it will be the year of execution for the implementation of the EOR projects that have been awaited by many parties," said Benny in an official statement, Monday, December 18.

Through this POD approval, he said, Minas will be the first field in Indonesia to implement the Chemical EOR (CEOR) method on a commercial scale using Alkali-Surfakn-Polimer (ASP) injection chemicals.

The commercialization of the Minas Field CEOR project is a historic milestone after the long journey of developing the CEOR project initiated by the previous Rokan Working Area operator (Caltex/Chevron) with intensive research since the 2000s in an effort to find a surfactant formulation that matches the characteristics of Minas Field.

For information, CEOR is one of the methods of draining the tertiary oil field which is carried out by injecting certain chemicals (Polimer, or surfactant-Polimer) patterned from injection wells to change the characteristics of fluid and reservoir rocks so that they can release oil tied in rocks so that it can flow into production wells.

The CEOR method is implemented in Minas Field after maximally producing oil using primary and secondary draining methods (waterfood). In the Minas Phase 1 CEOR Project, 18-acre Pattern will be used with an inverted irregular 7-spot injection pattern with injection targets at the Bekasap and Bangko Reservoir Formations.

The estimated additional oil reserves from the development of Phase-1 CEOR in Minas Field reached 2.24 million barrels. The peak oil production in this project is estimated to reach 1.566 BOPD. This project is the initial stage (proof of exponential) for the development of CEOR in order to reach the full field scale in Minas Field which is identified to have a total additional potential for oil reserves reaching 500 million barrels at the time of full-scale development.

Benny added, the POD CEOR Minas phase 1 is very important before heading for a more massive investment through the next phase of POD-POD.

"Information obtained at this stage is needed to mitigate risks during full-scale (full scale) field development later," he said.

Benny continued, in this field development, many wells will be used as an effort to efficiency project costs, although drilling will still be needed as many as 5 new development wells to form certain injection patterns/paterns.

"The production and chemical injection facilities on the surface have also been streamlined by utilizing the facilities used in the surfactant field trial (SFT-2) project in 2015. The total investment costs required for this project reached Rp1.48 trillion," concluded Benny.