Para-Bulu Badminton Indonesia Brings Home Seven Medals From Dubai

JAKARTA The Indonesian para-badminton team successfully brought home seven medals from the 5th Fazza Dubai Para-Badminton International 2023 championship.

The details of the medals brought home from the championships taking place in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 11-17 December 2023, are one gold, three silver, and three bronze.

The only gold medal was obtained from the SL3-SU5 mixed doubles, Leani Ratri Oktila/Hikmat Ramdani. The pair came out as champions after defeating Manisha Ramadas/Pramod Bhagat with a score of 21-14 and 21-11.

"Praise God, I was able to finish the last event in 2023, although I am not satisfied with the overall results of the numbers I participated in. However, I am still grateful for my achievements," said Ratri.

Victory in Dubai has shown the dominance of Ratri/Himat in the last three months. Previously, the pair won a gold medal at the Hangzhou Asian Paragames, won Japan Para-Badminton International 2023, and won gold at the World Abilitysport Games at Nakhon Ratchasima Thailand.

Ratri also completed her trip in Dubai with two silver medals, each from the women's doubles SL3-SU5 and the women's singles SL4.

"Hopefully later in 2024 I can improve my achievements again, especially at the Paris World Championships and Paralympics," hoped Ratri.

Hikmat Ramdani said that being the only representative to win gold in Dubai is achievable achievement. Moreover, this event was used to collect points to the 2024 Paris Paralympics.

"Of course we will also conduct evaluations and in the future hopefully we can continue to be consistent in achieving," said Hikmat.

Jarot Hernowo appreciated the performance of Indonesian players in chasing the 2024 Paralympics points. He said this achievement was on target.

"This achievement is in accordance with the target where the leading numbers can enter the final. However, from the four match numbers in the final, the result is only one gold medal that can be achieved," said Jarot.

Meanwhile, three silver medals were presented by Qonitah Ikhtiar Syakuroh (WS SL3), Leani Ratri Oktila (WS SL4), and Leani Ratri Oktila/Khalimatus Sadiyah (WD SL3-SU5).

Then three bronze medals were presented by Khalimatus Sadiyah (WS SL4), Suryo Nugroho (MS SU5), and Fredy Setiawan/Khalimatus Sadiyah (XD SL3-SU5).