After The Report To KPAI, Now Attila Syach Has Undergoed BAP At The Bogor Police Because Of The Kidnapping Case Of Her Child
JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from actor Attila Syach who revealed that his son was taken away and held captive by several people recently.
Seeing this, Attila, who did not accept this incident, reported the case to the police, namely the Bogor Police. On Friday, December 15, Attila was present at the Bogor Police Station to undergo additional BAP together with the princess's caregiver.
"My attorney and I just finished working on the BAP and were asked for information from my caregiver (child). When it comes to the incident, I am not at the location and there are caregivers," said Attila Syach at the Bogor Police, Friday, December 15.
Seeing this, Attila Syach's attorney explained that the individuals suspected of kidnapping and confinement of their daughter could be subject to Article 330 of the Criminal Code for child kidnapping.
Until now, Attila is still waiting for confirmation of the mastermind behind her daughter's kidnapping and confinement. However, the younger brother of Atalarik Syach already suspects that his ex-wife, Bunga Sophia did it.
As previously known, Attila had also visited the Mother and Child Protection Commission (KPAI). He hopes that the KPAI can help him to meet his daughter again.
"Violating KPAI in the framework of this child on the 13th yesterday, the bada dzuhur was taken by his parents, yes, in a rude way, I don't accept some of these people because they are not parents,"
"And I ask that KPAI can be a facilitator for me to be able to see children, how is it that I haven't been able to see it yet, not me challenging. Because the child is locked up, we want to see it being kicked out, we can't," explained Attila Syach in Menteng, Central Jakarta, Thursday, December 14th.