Prabowo Asks The Community To Maintain Unity In The Upcoming 2024 Election

The city of BOGOR - presidential candidate number 2 Prabowo Subianto invites the Indonesian people to maintain unity in the upcoming 2024 general election (election) because of the nation's culture that always prioritizes kinship.

Prabowo in his political speech at the Kopi Pagi consolidation at Sentul International Convention Center (SICC), Bogor Regency, West Java, Saturday, said that the leader's words would go down, be heard by the public, so that leaders must be able to maintain unity.

"Our ancestors gave a lesson, namely, if you become a leader of ojo dumbeh, don't be arrogant. Don't be arrogant. Don't be arrogant in the alley of Adi Adi guno, later it asks to be translated by brothers and sisters. But this is serious, the higher I get lessons from my seniors. The higher we are, the higher our attitude, our discussion, the more influential it will be," he said.

According to Prabowo, the task of a leader who gives direction and strategy to unity needs implementers who are able to carry it out.

"Leaders, giving directions, leaders giving strategies, leaders giving decisions, but if there are no implementors, no implementers, no one is able to carry out that, no one goes," he said.

Prabowo revealed that Indonesia has many smart people. But not necessarily able to implement work and unity.

"We know, there are many smart people, some are smart in talking, some are smart in complaining, there are various kinds of goals, they can't necessarily work for the Indonesian people. I don't feel, maybe there is a point, I lost twice. Let Prabowo learn first. And Alhamdulillah, I've learned a lot," he said.

Prabowo also invited his supporting volunteers to implement the slander of too few friends and one opponent too many.

"And Alhamdulillah, I now believe, one very important argument. The arguments of a thousand friends are too few, one against too many. What does it mean? And this is very important. This means that Indonesian leaders, all levels, to volunteers, we have to work hard to find friends, not looking for enemies. Looking for enemies, looking for enemies, making people like us easy. But looking for friends is not easy. Looking for friends, it's very difficult," he said.

He gave an example of the familyhood of the Indonesian nation, which may not exist in other countries, is to embrace each other among national figures during President Jokowi's administration.

"Since I became Jokowi's minister, I have been traveling around. Leaders abroad, confused, invited me to talk, how can you, against 10 years you can join. Yes, I answered, that's Indonesia, brothers and sisters," he said.

Indonesia, said Prabowo, Indonesia has the nature of kinship and brotherhood. Even though there are different ethnicities, religions and local languages, the color of the skin is different, however, the hearts of the people are still brothers and realize the togetherness of this nation as a destiny.

"We are destined in the archipelago as a nation, one big family, one homeland, one nation and this is Indonesia, brothers and sisters," said Prabowo.