Why Athletes Often Eat Bananas During Matches: Here's The Reason

The YOGYAKARTA -Pisang is a simple fruit, but has a big influence on the athlete's performance. Before the start of the match, many athletes chose to consume bananas as their initial snack. Then, why do athletes often eat bananas during matches? Here's the explanation.

1. Good Potassium Source

Bananas are famous for being rich in potassium, minerals that mean a lot to improve the performance of athletes. Kalium has a key position in various roles of bodies such as muscle movements, regulation of water levels in the body, and avoiding cramps.

One medium-sized banana generally has approximately 450 gr potassium, making it an excellent source for this important nutrient. Potassium also functions to protect blood pressure, to nerve, and balance of fluids in the body.

2. Instant Energy

Bananas provide a fast and efficient energy source for athletes through fairly large carbohydrates and sugar content. Carbohydrates and sugar from bananas can provide extra energy to protect the mind and body stay focused during activities.

Reporting from several sources, each medium size banana has a total of approximately 30 grams of carbohydrates. This makes him an excellent and delicious instant energy boost.

3. High Carbohydrate

Like other fruits, bananas are a good source of carbohydrates, with about 27 gr of carbohydrates in 1 medium-sized banana. Consumption of carbohydrates can increase glycogen deposits, a form of glucose stored in the muscles and liver used as energy during many types of exercise.

4. As a natural sleeping drug

Bananas are an excellent source of magnesium and potassium to help relax tense muscles. The tripletofan content in bananas can also convert into serotonin and melatonin, the main sedative hormone in the brain so that it has a relaxation effect on the body in general. This can help people sleep better.

5. Improve Mood

Bananas have triptofans, which can improve mood and cognition. This is because serotonin or main chemicals are responsible for mood regulation, depending on the availability of tryptophan chemicals from food. Foods rich in tryptophan such as bananas can support cognitive roles including the mood naturally.

6. Affordable and Practical Prices

Bananas are very common and easy to access fruit, perfect for athletes who want healthy snacks that don't make bags dry. Not only that, they are fast to eat and very easy to find throughout the year. Bananas also have outer skin that protects their contents, making them easy to carry and protect cleanliness.

7. Improve Performance and Recovery

Scientific research from scientists Nick Gillit and David Nieman shows that eating bananas before and during exercise can improve the performance of athletes. Researchers from Apparchian State University found that the athlete's performance time was approximately 5 percent faster when they consumed bananas than just drinking water.

In addition, recovery after training is accelerated and athletes report an increase in energy. The ability to focus mentally after consuming this fruit has also increased.

In addition, you can also find out 'Pisang Benefits Based on Skin Color' to make you more confident in consuming bananas.

So after knowing why athletes often eat bananas during matches, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!