It Turns Out That Ammar Zoni Has Used Cannabis And Methamphetamine Several Times After Free

JAKARTA - The latest fact regarding the drug abuse case that dragged the names of Ammar Zoni and a figure named AH was again revealed.

This was conveyed directly by the West Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol M Syahduddi during the release event. He revealed that there were other figures behind Ammar Zoni and AH.

The figure has the 'Y' initiative which is known to be in the Kebon Pisang area, North Jakarta. Now 'Y' status is still being pursued and arrested by investigators.

"From AH's confession, information on methamphetamine and marijuana was obtained from a person with the initials Y in the Kebon Pisang area. Y is still in DPO status and is still being pursued and arrested by investigators," said Kombes Pol M Syahduddi at the West Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, December 15.

In addition, it was explained that AH's figure revealed that he was ordered by Ammar Zoni to buy marijuana and crystal methamphetamine for his own consumption by Ammar.

"So after Ammar was secured, it was found that the goods were obtained from AH and AH really admitted that he had been ordered to buy the goods from Ammar from a person named Y," he continued.

"And after getting it, it was handed over to Ammar. From the results of the investigation, the goods investigators broke up in Ammar. Both marijuana and methamphetamine were all consumed for Ammar," he said.

In addition, Kombes Pol M Syahduddi explained that Ammar, after being released from prison on October 4, had used marijuana and methamphetamine several times. Ammar has also twice made transactions with AH.

"The confession in question after being released is within two months that he has used the drug several times, currently the person concerned is in the category of addict," explained Syahduddi.

"This Ammar has bought it twice from the results obtained," he concluded.