Indonesia’s Imports Rise to 19.49 Billion US Dollars in November 2023, China, and Japan Become Largest Supplier

JAKARTA - The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) noted that the import value in November 2023 was 19.59 billion US dollars, up 4.89 percent compared to October 2023 or up 3.29 percent compared to November 2022.

BPS Deputy for Distribution and Services Statistics, Pudji Ismartini, said that the increase in monthly imports was driven by an increase in imports of both oil and gas (oil and gas) and non-oil and gas.

"Oil and gas imports in November 2023 amounted to 3.49 billion US dollars or an increase of 8.79 percent compared to October 2023 and an increase of 24.41 percent compared to November 2022," explained Pudji in a press conference, Friday, December 15.

Meanwhile, non-oil and gas imports in November 2023 amounted to 16.10 billion US dollars, up 4.08 percent compared to October 2023 and down 0.37 percent compared to November 2022.

Pudji revealed that the largest increase in imports of non-oil and gas goods in November 2023 compared to October 2023 was iron and steel worth 138.7 million US dollars or 16.34 percent. Meanwhile, the biggest decline was in precious metals and jewelry/gems, 162.1 million US dollars or 54.11 percent.

According to Pudji, the three largest suppliers of non-oil and gas imported goods from January to November 2023 are China at 56.74 billion US dollars or 33.31 percent, Japan at 15.20 billion US dollars or 8.92 percent, and Thailand at 9.36 billion US dollars or 5.50 percent.

Meanwhile, non-oil and gas imports from ASEAN were valued at 28.43 billion US dollars or 16.69 percent and the European Union amounted to 12.98 billion US dollars or 7.62 percent.

Meanwhile, according to the category of use of goods, the value of imports from January to November 2023 compared to the same period the previous year saw an increase in the capital goods category worth 3,188.7 million US dollars or 9.74 percent and consumer goods 1,471.0 million US dollars or 8.16 percent. Meanwhile, imports of raw/auxiliary materials fell by 19,464.7 million US dollars or 11.67 percent.