Bawaslu Sultra Checks 14 DPR Candidates Allegedly Violating Campaigns, Some Ask For Clarification Via Online

JAKARTA - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Southeast Sulawesi Province (Sultra) conducted an examination of 14 candidates for members of the DPR's legislature allegedly violating the election campaign outside the schedule set by the KPU.

The head of the Southeast Sulawesi Provincial Bawaslu, Iwan Rompo Banne, said that the alleged violation of the legislative candidates was reported by a resident referring to the provisions of Article 492 of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.

"After going through the process of reviewing the provisions of the formal and material requirements for the report, the Southeast Sulawesi Bawaslu then invited the 14 reported candidates for clarification," said Iwan when met in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, Thursday, December 14, which was confiscated by Antara.

Iwan said the Southeast Sulawesi Bawaslu would examine the 14 legislative candidates in two days, starting December 14-15. With the distribution every day, seven people will be clarified.

"However, with various considerations and submissions, from the person concerned, at any time and opportunity, there are those who ask for rescheduling to be clarified online. Then there are those who are like friends who met to choose to clarify directly at the Bawaslu of Sulawesi Province," he said.

He added, based on residents' reports, the legislative candidates installed campaign props before the time determined by the KPU.

"That's why we are clarifying to find the actual problem between the complainants and the statements of the reported parties so that they need to be classified," he said.

During the clarification examination, the Southeast Sulawesi Bawaslu was accompanied by an Integrated Law Enforcement Team (Gakkumdu) from the prosecutor's office and the police.

"After all of them are clarified, later Bawaslu will take a stand, whether it is necessary to clarify additionally or if this information is sufficient to then be raised to a plenary meeting. Later in the plenary session we will see everything is done in the clarification," he said.

After that, if the formal and material requirements have been met, the report will be submitted to the Gakumdu team which will discuss internally.