The Minister Of Energy And Mineral Resources Asks For The Draft Regulation Of The National Energy Policy Government To Be Resolved

JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif, as the Daily Chair of the National Energy Council (DEN) asked for the Draft Government Regulation (RPP) for the National Energy Policy (KEN) to be completed immediately.

"Currently, the Draft Government Regulation on National Energy Policy (RPP KEN) is entering the discussion stage by the Inter-Ministerial Committee and discussions with Commission VII DPR RI. RPP KEN so that it can be resolved immediately," said Arifin, quoted on Wednesday, December 13.

Arifin added, the 2060 Energy Transition Roadmap, which is the reference for the RPP KEN target, can be studied more deeply by considering four issues, including the causes of overcapacity of electricity, infrastructure to increase the EBT mix, programs to increase electricity demand through conversion for transportation and other incentives, as well as public awareness.

In addition to the RPP KEN, the progress of the Nuclear Energy Program (KPPEN) is also discussed to prepare for the development of PLTN in Indonesia.

Considering the existence of a moratorium on organizational formation, KPPEN is directed to be optimizable to existing organizations.

Responding to this, Arifin recommended further investigation by involving BAPETEN, BRIN, and experts from universities.

"It's a good idea to create a small group so that it can be discussed how effective this organization can run," he added.

The themes of the discussion on the DEN Member Session such as the Energy Transition Roadmap which include the RPP KEN and the construction of the PLTN are then proposed to be discussed in the DEN Plenary Session along with raising low energy issues as a recommendation from the DEN.

The DEN Member Session this time was attended by members of the DEN from the Stakeholders, namely Agus Puji Prasetyono, Musri, Eri Purnomohadi, As Nadio Lasman, Yusra Khan, Secretary General DEN Djoko Siswanto, Permanent Deputy of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, as well as representatives of members of the DEN from the Ministry of Transportation, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, and Ministry of Agriculture.