Limited Technology, Sugar Production In Indonesia Continues To Drop In 10 Years

JAKARTA - President Director of ID FOOD Frans Marganda revealed that the sugar industry technology in the country is still limited.

This data, said Fans, is supported by data on sugar production in the last 10 years which has continued to decline.

In fact, the government is targeting sugar self-sufficiency. This target is included in Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2023. One of its implementations is by preparing land of up to 1 million hectares (ha) in Papua.

Hal ini juga tidak sejalan dengan pertumbuhan sugar konsumsi yang terus meningkat setiap tahun. Kita melihat dalam satu dekade terakhir produksi sugar turun 1,16 persen hal ini berbanding pertumbuhan luas area yang meningkat sebesar 7,4 persen, ujarnya di dalam acara National Sugar Summit 2023, di Gedung Wakita Rajawali, Jakarta, Rabu, 13 Desember.

"Also rendements have increased by 0.19 percent. But once again sugarcane productivity in Indonesia has also decreased by 2.06 percent," he continued.

As an industrial business actor, Frans admitted that he could not remain silent. He invited other sugar industry players to play an active role in increasing sugar production in the country.

"Of course we as business actors in the sugar industry cannot just stand still, we must indeed be able to play an active role in increasing production in Indonesia. Especially to support the sugar self-sufficiency program which has been launched through Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2023 by the President," he explained.

Frans said the decline in sugar quality was not only due to climate problems. But also because of the problem of the lack of technology application in the country's sugar industry.

According to Frans, if technological innovation can be applied and developed from now on, Indonesia can pursue other countries. Like Brazil and India.

"As an example of Brazil, they focus on developing machine technology, while India focuses on developing sugarcane plants. Downstream innovation is also absolutely necessary if we expect success in increasing sugarcane production, especially in Indonesia," he explained.