Accused Of Israeli Buzzer, Maia Estianty Responds To The Holiday To Jerusalem

JAKARTA - Maia Estianty responded casually when she was accused of being an Israeli buzzer. This was related when she went on vacation to Israel with her husband, Irwan Mussry some time ago.

The ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine has dragged Maia into this conflict. However, instead of writing clarifications or explanations, Maia chose to be indifferent because whatever she did always reaped the pros and cons.

"So you know, sometimes if we answer the slander, the answer will be more pros and cons," said Maia Estianty in a video through her YouTube channel.

"The name is slander, it is not our obligation to answer the slander. We should be happy, yes, if we are slandered, our sins are taken, more slandered, thank God our sins are running out," he continued.

On the other hand, Maia Estianty was surprised because this is the first time she has been called a buzzer, while so far she has visited many other countries.

"At least they are lazy to respond to netizen comments because for what reason, there is no profit and it makes my heart dirty too," said Maia.

"But it's funny if I answer, if it's like I went to Arabia yesterday, I should have been called an Arab buzzer too, or for example, I had a wedding in London, it's called a London buzzer, when I went to Tegal, I was called a Tegal buzzer," explained Maia Estianty.

"Why is it that only the country (Israel) seems really hated and the comments are not wise, then I am the one accused," he continued.

Maia chose not to respond to netizen accusations because she knew anything she was commenting would always be negatively responded to.

"If it's a matter of slander, it's better for us to be silent, because of what? If people don't like it, we want to answer like anything, we still don't like it. So why are we tired of wasting energy like that," he concluded.