BPJamsostek Cilincing Holds Socialization Of The Protection Of Informal Workers In Koja Baru Market

JAKARTA - BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (BPJamsostek) Jakarta Cilincing held a KKBC Market activation activity (Free of Gold Workers) which took place at Koja Baru Market, North Jakarta, Monday 11 December.

Head of the Cilincing BPJamsostek Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari said, this activity aims to educate informal workers regarding the importance of protecting Employment Social Security (Jamsostek).

"We are intensively conducting massive socialization to informal or Non-Wage Recipient Workers (BPU) like the traders we are targeting today. These informal workers are around 60% of the total workforce in Indonesia," said Head of the BPJamsostek Cilincing Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari.

Ani, Haryani Rotua Melasari's nickname, said that until now, the number of workers who have been protected by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has reached 40.2 million workers. Of these, 7.2 million of them are informal workers.

Through this activity, Ani hopes that workers and traders who are in Koja Baru Market register themselves as participants to obtain protection and safety networks for work risks that have the potential to emerge in the future.

"The Cesmas-Free Hard Work Campaign is a Employment BPJS communication strategy to make all workers in Indonesia aware of their rights to get protection for their risks to work," explained Ani.

According to Ani, an approach to informal workers requires a special strategy, in contrast to office or formal workers who currently have a high awareness of Jamsostek protection.

"Formal workers such as employees and laborers who work in companies in general are more aware of the protection of BPJS Employment, but for informal workers they must indeed be reached with a special approach, socialization must indeed be carried out massively through their professional community or done personally," he said.

Furthermore, Ani said the KKBC Market activation activity took place at 122 BPJS Employment Branch Offices spread throughout Indonesia. In addition to socialization in the Field, education is also carried out through Radio in each of these branches.

"In addition to socialization, to enliven this event we also held joint gymnastics, symbolic compensation. There was also an attractive door prize for participants with a grand prize in the form of a 32 Inch TV prize," he said.

At the end of the activity, Ani thanked all parties for their support for the implementation of employment social security and the implementation of the Cold Free Hard Work campaign.

"The state through BPJS Ketenagakerjaan wants to ensure all Indonesian workers are prosperous, they can work hard and optimally, the risks that may arise from work please transfer to us BPJS Ketenagakerjaan," said Ani.