Polda Metro Jaya Deploys 2,000 Personnel To Debat The First Presidential Candidate

Polda Metro Jaya deployed 2,000 personnel to maintain security during the debate between the presidential and vice presidential candidates held at the Head Office of the General Elections Commission (KPU), Central Jakarta, on Tuesday (12/12) night.

"All personnel involved in this security process are 2,000 personnel," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Polisi Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko as reported by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

Trunoyudo explained that the thousands of personnel were a combination of seven task forces (tasks). Namely the Preemptive Task Force, Preventive Task Force, Kamseltibcarlantas Task Force, Action Task Force, Gakkum Task Force, Public Relations Task Force and Banops Task Force.

Then for traffic engineering, Trunoyudo explained, it was situational, starting at 15.00 WIB and during the debate it took place at 19.00 WIB.

The following is traffic engineering during the presidential candidate debate on Tuesday night:

1.Traffic Light (TL) Imam Bonjol or Graha Mandiri

- Vehicles coming from the direction of the HI Roundabout going to Jalan Imam Bonjol are diverted to Jalan H Agus Salim and Jalan Pamekasan

- Vehicles coming from Jalan H Agus Salim going to Jalan Imam Bonjol are straightened to Pamekasan Street or turning right towards the HI Roundabout.

2. TL HOS Cokroaminoto

- Vehicles coming from the direction of Jalan Rasuna Said going to Jalan Imam Bonjol are straightened to Jalan Cokroaminoto or it's good to the right to Jalan Diponegoro

- Vehicles coming from Jalan Diponegoro going to the HI Roundabout are diverted to the left of Jalan Rasuna Said and to the right of Jalan HOS Cokroaminoto.

"Of course we hope and appeal to the entire community to avoid the following routes, which of course will be carried out activities in the presidential and vice presidential debate," said Trunoyudo.

The General Elections Commission (KPU) explained the mechanism for the inaugural debate of presidential candidates (vice presidents) which is scheduled to take place at the KPU office, Jakarta, Tuesday night.

KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari said the inaugural debate would begin at 19.00 WIB. The participants will be followed by presidential candidates (candidates).

"Who is arguing? Yes, for tomorrow night the first opportunity is at the presidential and vice presidential candidates debate, on stage to argue is only the presidential candidate," said Hasyim during a press conference to prepare for the presidential / vice presidential debate.

As for the duration of the debate, it will last for 150 minutes. However, the special duration of the debate is 120 minutes or 2 hours.