COVID-19 Cases Begin To Rise, East Kalimantan Health Office Brings Booster Vaccines From Jakarta

SAMARINDA - East Kalimantan Provincial Health Office in the second week of December 2023 brought in a booster COVID-19 vaccine from Jakarta, to be distributed to all puskesmas in the area.

"We are committed to maintaining public health by ensuring the availability of booster vaccines. That is our preventive measure so that there will be no more serious spike in cases," said Head of the East Kalimantan Health Office Jaya Mualimin in Samarinda as reported by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

The booster vaccine is provided free of charge to the public as an effort to control the increase in COVID-19 cases, which are currently rising again.

Even though there were only four confirmed cases, Jaya asked the public to adhere to health protocols.

"We don't want to take risks. Even though the cases are still small. If we let our guard down, the situation could get worse," he said.

The public is advised not to hesitate to visit the vaccination sites that have been prepared.

"Don't delay vaccination. The COVID-19 vaccine has a non-long incubation period and we don't want the vaccine to expire due to low demand," he said.

He hopes that by accelerating the distribution of booster vaccines, people will immediately get additional protection and can still carry out important activities safely.

Jaya reported the discovery of four new cases of COVID-19, all of which were treated intensively. The cases were identified as part of an increase in cases that also occurred in other countries, including Singapore.

"We continue to carry out routine checks and scans, especially for oil and coal sector workers, as well as foreigners who work here," said Jaya.

The COVID-19 laboratory in East Kalimantan, he continued, always provides the latest reports, including four newly detected cases.

Jaya said the demand for booster vaccines was increasing. The public is advised to get a second dose, given the low vaccination rate, especially among health workers.

"We are lucky because of the new variants that have emerged, including in Singapore and other countries, they are still subvarianomicrons, so they don't cause excessive worry," he said.

However, he reminded those who have comorbidities to remain vigilant and detect health conditions, as well as get boosters for further protection.

The East Kalimantan Health Office is trying to control the spread of COVID-19 by prioritizing effective preventive and responsive measures.