Murder Of 4 Children In Jagakarsa: Message 'Puas Bunda Tx For All' Written By Panca Using His Blood

JAKARTA - The legal process for the murder of 4 children in Jagakarsa, Jakarta continues. The Deputy Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Henrikus Yossi revealed, the red writing "Puas Bunda Tx For All" found on the floor of the rented house was Panca Darmansyah's act using his own blood. Then there was also blood coming out of his body, the person concerned made an article. The article was found on the floor of the crime scene's house," Yossi told reporters, Monday, December 11. Yossi added that the suspect would undergo a psychological examination to find out mental disorders and behavior. And this psychiatric examination was carried out for a maximum of 14 days, because the team from the Police Hospital also continued to monitor the person concerned in the health aspect of his soul," he continued. Panca was officially named a suspect in the murder of his 4 children. From the results of the investigation and evidence found, Panca was known to have recorded his actions using cell phones. The Panca suspect also recorded when he committed acts of violence or domestic violence against his wife with the initials D. However, regarding the reasons behind it all, until now it is still being investigated further.