PDIP Women Cadres Asked To Introduce The Sakti Ganjar-Mahfud ID Card Program

Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto asked female cadres to come down to the community to introduce the number three candidate pair program, Ganjar Pranowo-Mahfud MD.

This request was conveyed by Hasto in a series of political safaris and consolidation with branch administrators and branches at the PDIP DPC Office in Tangerang Regency, Banten, Monday, December 11. They must introduce Sakti ID cards as a way out for the poor.

"So this Sakti KTP requires a single data. So if his name is (on KTP, red) mas Rano Karno, yes (originally, red) Rano Karno. Then even though he plays the role of Doel, a Betawi child, he still has one ID ID. So there is one data. So there is a digitalization program," said Hasto in his written statement.

Hasto emphasized that women must step in to help win Ganjar-Mahfud. Because they are the way of civilization as stated by the First President of the Republic of Indonesia Soekarno.

"So later they will be ready to come to the residents, meet the people door to door. And who shows the ID card is Ganjar-Mahfud voter," he said.

In the campaign later, Hasto also said that mothers must explain social assistance (bansos), direct cash assistance (BLT) and cards that are the program of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) such as the Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) and Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) will be strengthened. Because all the data will be concentrated with the Sakti ID card if Ganjar-Mahfud is elected.

"You said BLT was not lost, social assistance was not lost, the Smart Indonesia Card was not lost, even KIS was perfected so as not to be wrongly targeted through the Sakti KTP," he said.

"Sangup?" continued Hasto, who was answered simultaneously by the masses at the location.

Hasto believes that when a woman moves, the number three pair will succeed in the 2024 presidential election. "I ask the mothers," he said.

"Because mothers, if they have moved like Raden Ajeng Kartini, it's dark to come out. Can you help, ladies and gentlemen?," he said again.

"Sangup," replied the female cadre simultaneously.