So That The Debate Of The Presidential Election Is Not Monotonous, The KPU Designs Formats For More Intercalon Interactions

The General Election Commission of the Republic of Indonesia (KPU RI) has confirmed that the debate for presidential candidates (candidates) held on December 12 will not be monotonous.KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari said, to get around it so that the debate is not monotonous, the debate format will be designed to expand segments so that there is interaction between presidential candidates."There are more opportunities for interaction candidates in 2024. On the first occasion, panelists will compile 18 questions, there are 6 segments, there are 3 questions for each segment,""Before entering the debate, first take a random question about which moderators are delivered. Once you can, for example, the first opportunity for candidate A, candidates B and C are given the opportunity to respond. And candidate A is given the opportunity to respond back so that it is clear in the debate," explained Hasyim at the KPU Office, Jakarta, Monday, December 11.So from the six segments, segments 2, 3, 4 and 5 are segments that interact more between presidential candidates.While segment 1 is the opening and delivery of the vision and mission of the Presidential Candidate which is only one direction that has no interaction or question and answer, and segment 6 is the closing."So from the segment provided, the opportunity for interaction between candidates is more than the rundown, in fact, the opportunity between candidates to interact is made for more 2024 election debates," explained Hasyim.
As for the inaugural debate held on December 12, 2023 at the Indonesian KPU page on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Jakarta, the theme of Law, Human Rights, Eradication of Corruption, Strengthening Democracy, Improvement of Public Services and Community Harmony.