Jadi Komandan Pengacara Bela Prabowo-Gibran Tempuh Gugatan Di PN Jakpus, Yusril: Kami Hadapi Relax

JAKARTA - Candidate pair (paslon) presidential-cawapres number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka is facing a civil lawsuit at the Central Jakarta District Court (PN).

Prabowo-Gibran appointed Yusril Ihza Mahendra's attorney to lead the 14 lawyers who will defend the candidate pair. Yusril Cs named themselves the 'Pribowo-Gibran Defenders Team' admitting that they were ready to face the lawsuit.

"Although we are facing this lawsuit casually, we must take the material of the lawsuit seriously. However, the end of this lawsuit is granted or rejected by the panel of judges. However, it is certain that we will reject any offer submitted by the plaintiff during the mediation process," said Yusril who is also the General Chair of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) to the media crew, Monday 11 December.

The defendants in this case are KPU Chairman Hasyim Asy'ari and former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court (MK) Anwar Usman. Meanwhile, President Joko Widodo and Minister of State Secretary (Mensesneg) Pratikno as Defendants I and II.

In their lawsuit, the plaintiff argued that the KPU had committed an unlawful act because it accepted the registration process for the Prabowo-Gibran pair as participants in the 2024 presidential election.

In fact, according to the plaintiff, the KPU has not changed internal regulations that contain the conditions for the nomination of the President and Vice President at least 40 years old, even though the Constitutional Court has decided that the presidential candidate pair may be under 40 years old as long as they have/are serving as positions elected through elections, including Pilkada.

For this argument, the plaintiff in his petitum asked the court to punish the Indonesian KPU to stop the process of nominating Prabowo-Gibran because it was considered to have violated the KPU regulations. The defendants were also required to pay material compensation of Rp. 10 billion and immaterial compensation of Rp. 1 trillion.

Yusril then considered that the lawsuit filed by the plaintiff had the wrong address. Because the majority of the defendants are state administrators, except Anwar Usman who was sued in his personal capacity.

Yusril considered that the lawsuit was wrong because the majority of the defendants, except for the possibility of Anwar Usman being sued in a personal capacity, were all state administrators.

According to Yusril, their actions should be categorized as unlawful acts by the authorities (onrechtmatic overheidsdaad) who have now turned into the authority of the Administrative Court to try him. Therefore, the Central Jakarta District Court, continued Yusril, is not authorized to try the case in question.

"The Prabowo-Gibran Defenders Team also considers the plaintiffs' lawsuits to have lost objects. In their petitum they asked the judge to decide to punish the KPU to stop Gibran's nomination process. Meanwhile, while the process has been completed, Prabowo-Gibran has been appointed by the KPU as a candidate for President and Vice President in the 2024 election," said Yusril.

Yusril explained that the plaintiffs should have sued the KPU's decision according to the procedure, namely to Bawaslu and PTUN, not to file a lawsuit against the law against the Central Jakarta District Court.

On that basis, Yusril stated that his party was ready to break the arguments put forward by the plaintiffs. "The Prabowo-Gibran Defenders Team will work professionally and uphold the laws and the Advocate Code of Ethics," he said.