Jokowi Glad There Are 900 Thousand Students Receiving KIP Lectures As Of 2023

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said the government had guaranteed tuition financing of around 900 thousand students through the Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) of Lectures which was recorded until 2023.

"I am happy that the recipients of the KIP Lecture will reach 900,000 in 2023, this is a very big leap," he said at the opening of the 3rd Independent Campus Vocational Festival in 2023 at Graha Bhakti Budaya Taman Ismail Marzuki Jakarta as reported by ANTARA, Monday, December 11.

The President said that the recipients of the KIP Lecture were students who studied outside campus through the Merdeka Campus Program.

Since 2021, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) has organized the KIP Lecture program as social assistance in the field of higher education which is a development of the Bidikmisi program that has been rolled out by the government since 2011.

KIP Lectures to increase the expansion of access and opportunity to study in universities are more equitable and quality for people who are less or unable to economically.

Reporting from the Kemendikbudristek page, there are four categories of students who are entitled to KIP Lectures. First, the alumnus of SMA/SMK/equivalent to the current year and two years earlier which had KIP.

Second, students who come from poor or vulnerable families who are proven by being registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) as participants in the Family Hope Program (PKH) and having a Social Welfare Card (KKS) which is a program of the Ministry of Social Affairs or residents of social institutions or orphanages.

Third, students from among victims in areas of natural disasters, conflict areas, and areas that have other specificities.

Fourth, students who have limited access, such as students with disabilities and students from underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost (3T) areas.

"The scholarships for affirmation of higher education for students and 3T regional students have reached 7,400 participants. I think this is a very large number," he said.

Statistically, registrants for KIP Lectures continue to soar. In 2020 there were 689,000 registrants and then an increase of 840,000 students in 2021.

In 2022 the number will increase to 941,000 registrants and as of August 3, 2023, 946,000 registrants have been registered.

One of the recipients of the KIP Lecture, Tengku Nabila, said that the knowledge he got through the Merdeka Campus Program, Force 5 was used to pursue children in other schools.

"My life can teach children who are very impactful (influence) on their children, that children need students to be closer to their children and the environment," said the Bandung Islamic University (Unisba) student.