KPK Still Commemorating World Anti-Corruption Day This Week Even Though Firli Is A Suspect In Allegations Of Extortion

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continues to hold a commemoration of World Anti-Corruption Day (Hakordia) even though its chairman, Firli Bahuri, has been temporarily suspended for being a suspect in alleged extortion. This activity is planned to be carried out on December 12-13 at Istora Senayan, Jakarta. It is known, Firli Bahuri has been named a suspect in the alleged extortion or acceptance of gratification from former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo. This case is being handled by the Polda Metro Jaya. Hakordia Court, World Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated, it is ceremonial, once again this is part of the commitment of the Indonesian nation which has ratified UNCAC (United Nations Convention Against Corruption) 2003 which was later ratified into Law Number 7 of 2006," said Ghufron quoted from the KPK RI YouTube show, Monday, December 11. Ghufron said in that ratification, Indonesia not only had to present legislation that supports the eradication of corruption. However, there is also a warning which is also the reason why the anti-corruption commission continues to hold such activities. Moreover, Ghufron said that the KPK cannot be seen only from one problematic person. Moreover, this Hakordia is considered as one way to do reflection. "So our reflection views and assesses that our nation's goals are still marginally constrained because there is still some corruption in it," he stressed. Meanwhile, Acting Deputy of Information and KPK Data Eko Marjono said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) would attend. Confirmation of his mention has been accepted.. "Alhamdulillah, we have received confirmation from the Presidential Secretariat that Indonesian President Joko Widodo will still be present in this event," he said.

Eko as chairman of the committee said that Hakordia 2023 would carry the theme "Synergy Against Corruption for Advanced Indonesia". He said the anti-corruption commission realized that eradicating corruption could not be done alone. "There must be synergy among law enforcers. The KPK, the police, and the Attorney General's Office will then also eradicate corruption and all levels of society," concluded Eko.