Firli Bahuri Sues Metro Police Chief Pretrial, Initial Session Held Today

JAKARTA - The head of the inactive Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri, sued the pretrial of the Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto for his determination as a suspect in the alleged extortion case against the former Minister of Agriculture, Syahrul Yasin Limpo. The inaugural trial will be held today.

Based on the Case Tracking Information System (SIPP) of the South Jakarta District Court, a trial with register number 129/Pid.Pra/2023/PN JKT.SEL will be held in courtroom 1.

"(Trial) at 10.00 WIB until finished," wrote the SIPP page of the South Jakarta District Court, quoted by VOI, Monday, December 11.

Firli Bahuri through his attorney filed a pretrial lawsuit at the South Jakarta District Court on Friday, November 24.

The inactive KPK chairman was named a suspect based on the results of the case title conducted on Wednesday, November 22.

Several pieces of evidence that became the basis for determining the suspect, namely, foreign exchange documents worth Rp7.4 billion. Then, there were also the results of the extraction of 21 cellphones.

Firli was charged with Article 12e, 12B or Article 11 of Law number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of corruption in conjunction with Article 65 of the Criminal Code. Thus, it is threatened with life imprisonment.

Metro Jaya Police Chief Inspector General Karyoto, who was the respondent's party, had a legal action against Firli Bahuri. According to him, pretrial is the right of every suspect.

"Yes, it is the rights determined by the suspect and it is legal," said Karyoto.

When questioned about preparing a legal team to face Firli's resistance, Karyoto firmly said that the Polda Metro Jaya already had the Legal Sector (Bidkum).

The team will face the trial of the pretrial lawsuit that has been registered by Firli Bahuri's camp.

"Our organization is complete," said Karyoto.