Cleaning Houses Of Worship And Distributing Free Milk, TKN Fanta Prabowo Gibran Alludes To Religious Diversity In Indonesia

JAKARTA - The National Campaign Team (TKN) for Young Voters (Fanta) Prabowo Gibran carried out cleaning houses of worship in Cipinang, East Jakarta, Sunday, December 10.

TKN Commander Fanta Arief Rosyid Hasan said that cleaning places of worship are a symbol that Indonesia's diversity and diversity.

Because, according to Arief, Indonesia has various religions.

"We see that Indonesia is Bhineka Tunggal Ika, Indonesia has various religions. And it turns out that in houses of worship, young people also have creativity. They have a big concern for the future of their nation," said Arief.

Despite having different religious backgrounds, said Arief, young people have the same goal in advancing the nation.

"And today we are facilitated or assisted by the youth community of the Pantekosta Church in Indonesia (GPDI)," he said

In addition to cleaning houses of worship, the social activities entitled Harmony Move: Clean Up & Medical Check Up are also filled with health checks and free food and milk sharing for the community.

According to Arief, this step is a tangible form of the candidate pair commitment number 2 Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka in empowering young people from various backgrounds of issues and activities he is involved in.

He also said that his plan was to continue his social actions in all houses of worship in Indonesia by involving young people.