These Are Tips For Regulating Finance For Parents Who Just Have Children
JAKARTA - Certified financial planner Annisa Steviani provides a number of tips on managing finances for parents, especially for those who have just had children.
When met in a talk show in Jakarta, Saturday 9 December, Annisa said that the transition of parents when they just had children does take time. However, there are a number of things that parents can prepare as early as possible to facilitate family financial planning.
Actually, it costs a lot, and if you already have a child, you must have realized for yourself, 'How come the finances are messy?' That's a natural process, you need adaptation,' Annisa said, quoted from Antara.
The first step, Annisa advised parents to prepare funds to buy baby main equipment.
Unused and usable baby equipment, such as a strule or baby seat, should borrow or rent from other places instead of buying a new one. This is done to minimize the funds for baby equipment needs which can actually be diverted to other alternatives.
Second, parents who have just had children should not rule out funds for nutritious food for breastfeeding mothers. In addition to focusing on preparing funds for breast milk needs, don't forget to provide special funds for mothers so that their nutrition is still well fulfilled.
The last fee that must be prepared is related to parenting. According to Annnisa, the expenditure is rarely discussed even though it is the biggest cost component.
For example, if the mother works, then the family needs a caregiver or daycare.
"Even if it is guarded by their grandparents, parents must prepare extra funds for them, whether to eat or take a walk," said the woman who also focuses on making this educational content.
In addition to preparing funds for the main needs of the family, Annisa also suggested setting aside emergency funds. These emergency funds will be used for something unexpected which is expected not to be used for a long time.
"Emergency funds for singles (the number) are three times from monthly expenditure funds, if you have been married six times, you already have allowances (children) nine times, and so on," Annisa explained.
Annisa explained that emergency funds are very important like savings so that parents are ready to live their new lives. It is better to collect emergency funds slowly so that they don't feel heavy and can be done consistently.
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"So, in theory, emergency funds are collected slowly. For example, you can get THR and half of it is collected for emergency funds, or side work whose funds are stored for emergency funds," said Annisa.
He also suggested keeping pension funds, education funds, and insurance so that children have benefits that can be used in the future. These funds need to be stored as early as possible so that parents are not too heavy when setting them aside.
"So, like it or not, this educational fund is something important and must be collected immediately. It is better to prepare it when pregnant, because the child's age is actually only three years apart before entering school age," he said.
"If we save for 18 years until the child enters college, it will be much easier (together)," he added.