Commemoration Of LaNyalla Mattalitti On Anti-Corruption Day, Potential Corruption In PGB And SLF PUPR Management

The management of Building Approval (PBG) and Functional Eligibility Certificate (SLF) under the Ministry of PUPR shows the potential for corruption, especially in the pattern of bribery from employers to the authorities. The chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, highlighted this potential, considering the length of the process for managing PBG and SLF, in commemoration of Anti-Corruption Day on December 9.

PBG, as a legal basis for starting construction, and SLF, which states building security to be used, plays an important role in ensuring the legality and security of building investments. LaNyalla revealed that business actors often complain about the length of the management process, forcing them to use consultant services at high costs. This can create the potential for bribery to accelerate the process.

Chairman of the Advisory Board of the East Java Chamber of Commerce and Industry also noted that the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has highlighted the lengthy process and variety of consultant fees for PBG and SLF management, which could be potential corruption. LaNyalla emphasized the need for serious attention from the Ministry of PUPR, especially in an effort to increase the Ease of Doing Business (EoDB) ranking in Indonesia.

"There needs to be a quick decision regarding the method of accelerating PBG and SLF management, along with certainty of affordable costs, which are in accordance with the conditions of the business world after the pandemic. An integrated and facilitated IT system is also needed, so that business actors do not depend on consultants," said LaNyalla.

In addition, he hopes that at the commemoration of this Anti-Corruption Day the Ministry of PUPR can determine uniformity in Norms, Standards, Procedures, and Criteria, as well as costs that refer to the economic index of each Regency/City. LaNyalla emphasized the importance of avoiding complicated and slow regulations, which can be a source of criminal acts of bribery and increasing operating costs, costing investment in Indonesia.