Gen Z Prabowo-Gibran Values Can Realize Hope For Young People

JAKARTA - The National Campaign Team (TKN) of Young Voters (Fanta) assessed that Prabowo Subianto and Gibran Rakabuming Raka could become presidential and vice presidential pairs who could realize the expectations of young people.

This was conveyed by young figures in a discussion entitled 'Stealing the Hope and Message of Gen Z to the Leaders of the Nation in the Future' held by TKN Fanta at Fanta Headquarters, Central Jakarta, Saturday, December 9.

Chairman of Dema UIN Jakarta for the period 2022-2023, M. Abid AI Akbar said, Indonesia could become a developed country if the nation's leaders wanted to fight for a number of problems faced by young people.

For example, the problem of job opportunities to environmental crises. Abid assessed that the elected presidential and vice presidential candidates must be able to answer these problems.

"To achieve Indonesia's gold 2045, the concrete stage is, first we don't become extinct first. Gen Z should not become extinct. Environmental crisis, job availability, which has been guaranteed by each presidential candidate, I think it must be seen that," said Abid.

Abid is optimistic that Indonesia's 2045 gold dream can be realized if its leaders pay attention to the younger generation today. Moreover, he said, the history of polarization that occurred in previous elections was no longer strong.

"If Indonesia can get out of the existing polarization in 2019, then our nation will go to an advanced nation, 2024 it has been proven that there are three poros of presidential candidates. I think polarization is not too harsh," he said.

In line with Abid, the Commander of the Fanta First Voters Team, Donan Century Abdullah, said that the younger generation is the person who will determine where the nation is going. Moreover, young voters have a majority vote of 54 percent in the upcoming 2024 election.

"Our nation is going where, by whom it is in our hands, it is in Gen Z's hands. There is approximately 54 percent of the 100 percent voters are young voters, then 40 percent of the young voters are Gen Z," Donan said.

According to him, the person who can answer all the needs of young people is the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka couple. Because, said Donan, the presidential and vice presidential candidate number 2 is the only pair that is truly represented by young people.

"We hope that Pak Prabowo and Mas Gibran can represent young people, especially our vice presidential candidates are young people," he said.

Donan assessed that Prabowo-Gibran's experience was also very appropriate to answer the challenges ahead. Moreover, according to him, Prabowo has a history that is always surrounded by people who care about the progress of the nation.

"Pak Prabowo has been surrounded by people who care and love the Indonesian people," he said

Gibran Is Considered Innovative, Right To Accompany Prabowo

Meanwhile, Deputy Commander of TKN Fanta, Sona Maesana, assessed that Gibran had been proven to be a leader who had innovations and brought progress.

Sona admitted that he had felt firsthand how he was led by the figure of Gibran. According to him, the Mayor of Solo is a leader who understands all kinds of problems and is able to overcome them well.

"So what Mas Gibran is doing is really concerned and goes directly to various kinds of issues, one of which is about tourism, where Mas Gibran really wants to attract national or international events to Solo City," said Sona.

Sona said that Gibran's figure was more complete when accompanied by Prabowo. Because, he said, Prabowo is one of the great statesmen and wants to embrace the younger generation.

"We'll see here, Mr. Prabowo gives opportunities to young people. What is the proof, the people around him, in TKN Fanta the number of the team of the most young people. So we are really given the opportunity to work and contribute," said Sona.

Public Communication Practitioner, Ipang Wahid added, the support of young people for Prabowo-Gibran is the right and rational decision.

Because he considered, Prabowo-Gibran is the only couple that has been proven to represent young people. So, according to him, a number of problems faced by young people will be better understood and understood by this couple.

"I see it, actually Prabowo-Gibran supports it because it is idealistic. That is, ideals come from a strong rational, if for example emotional, it will definitely follow the others. This is the most clear, try to see from the six presidential and vice presidential candidates who represent under 40 who? That means that it is a strong reason," said Ipang.