Jokowi Suggests Revision Of ITE Law, DPR Baleg: Basically, We Do Not Mind
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said the government would revise Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions (UU ITE). This is because many criticisms have resulted in criminal reporting to the police.
Responding to this, Deputy Chairman of the Legislation Body (Baleg) DPR RI Achmad Baidowi said this proposal could still be included in the 2021 Priority National Legislation Program (Prolegnas). This is because prolegnas has not yet been ratified at the DPR RI Plenary Meeting level.
"Regarding the President's desire to revise the ITE Law, we basically have no objection," said Awiek, Achmad Baidowi's nickname in an official statement, Jakarta, Wednesday, February 17.
It's just that, he said, his party is currently still waiting for the DPR's Deliberative Council decision regarding the 2021 Prolegnas. This will later become the decision to revise the ITE Law at this year's Prolegnas.
So far there has been no decision at the DPR Bamus regarding the Bill which is included in the 2021 National Legislation Program (Prolegnas).
Decisions on which bills are included in the prolegnas can be decided by the upcoming DPR Plenary Meeting or the Bamus decide on a repeat meeting.
"Bamus could assign Baleg to work together again by changing the priority prolegnas, namely adding, subtracting or changing the list of bills. Or it could be decided later in the plenary session. However, it needs to be emphasized that the prolegnas decision must be made in a tripartite meeting between the DPR, government and DPD. " he said.
According to him, the revision of the ITE Law was intended to uphold the professionalism of the police in carrying out their duties. This was conveyed by General Listyo Sigit Prabowo during the due diligence and compliance test as Chief of Police.
"For that, do not let the ITE Law be used to ensnare critical people / groups by making it up. But if it fulfills the elements, it can still be used. This means that it must be properly sorted out which can be charged under the ITE Law and which cannot be charged with the ITE Law. " he said.