8 Debt Collectors Hit And Take Customer Cars In Semarang Charged With Theft

CENTRAL JAVA - The Central Java Regional Police (Polda) ensnared the theft of eight debt collectors who forcibly withdrew the customer car of a financing company in Semarang City, Central Java.

"There are two police reports in Semarang City with eight suspects arrested," said Director of the General Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Police, Police Commissioner Johanson Simamora at a press conference on the disclosure of the case in Semarang, Thursday, December 7, as reported by Antara.

He explained, from the two police reports, debt collectors intercepted the car owner who was suspected of in arrears in credit installments on the highway.

During a dispute and the beating by debt collectors, the victim then left his car on the side of the road locked.

"When it was about to be taken, it turned out that the car was no longer there because it was transported by these perpetrators using a towing car," he said.

In fact, according to Johanson, if there is a bad credit, the finance company must report to the police for alleged violations of the Fidusia Law.

"For the execution of vehicle withdrawals there must be. A decision from the court," he continued.

Johanson added that the role of the suspects was limited to collecting credit arrears, not withdrawing vehicles that were fiduciary guarantees.

The police charged the eight debt collectors with Articles 363, 365, and 368 of the Criminal Code regarding theft.

Currently, added Johanson, his staff is still hunting for seven other debt collectors who are also members of the group.

"The one perpetrator who is still at large is the director of one of the debt collection service providers," he said.