Manufacturing Indonesia 2023, Integrating The Latest Technology And Human Resources Capabilities
JAKARTA - The 32nd International Manufacturing Machinery, Equipment, Materials and Services Exhibition, Manufacturing Indonesia 2023 is present today until December 9, 2023 at the Jakarta International Expo (JIExpo) Kemayoran. Through the Towards Society 5.0, this exhibition integrates the latest technology and HR capabilities to achieve sustainable industry.
Meysia Stephannie, Event Director of PT Pamerindo Indonesia said that the manufacturing industry has always been at the forefront of technological innovation. However, technological advances resulting from innovation will reach its optimal level when all elements of human resources involved with the business ecosystem or industry have readiness and capability that far exceeds the level of technological advances itself.
"On the agenda of this exhibition, we highlight the urgency of improving the quality of human resources which plays a key role in the implementation of Smart Manufacturing as well as achieving the vision of Society 5.0. In the industrial context, Society 5.0 creates a basis for positive transformation that leads to increased efficiency, inclusiveness, and sustainability," explained Meysia, in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 6.
When opening the exhibition, Yan Sibarang Tandiele, Secretary of the Directorate General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics Industry, Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia expressed its support and appreciation for the implementation of Manufacturing Indonesia 2023.
"Tenaga kerja merupakan 1 dari 10 tantangan dalam program Making Indonesia 4.0. Saat ini, SDM manufaktur perlu terus meningkatkan kemampuan dan kapasitasnya guna dapat memenuhi tuntutan pasar yang semakin complex," ungkapnya.
Digital human resources, technology, and infrastructure have proven to be able to spur more competitive competitive competitiveness in the global market and encourage an increase in national economic growth. Digital human resource development has now entered its crucial stage. This is reinforced by the results of research conducted by companies that have a group of cloud-based services and consulting companies for global performance management in August 2022.
Research results say that the percentage of workers with digital skills in Indonesia is 27%, tends to be low compared to other Asian Pacific countries.
Winky Christian, the National Information and Communication Technology Entrepreneurs Association (APTIKNAS) added, as a key step in realizing the Society's 5.0 vision, it is important for every industry player to continue to develop a mindset, increase potential, and hone digital skills to become active and intelligent digital technology users. By optimizing the synergy of technology and human resources, high productivity will be created as well as a strategy design to answer the challenges of the manufacturing industry in the future.
The manufacturing industry as the largest contributor to the national economy (game changer), has set its strategic steps to expand investment coverage for the development of digital human resources. Through exhibition sessions, mini seminars, and panel discussions with industry stakeholders, Manufacturing Indonesia 2023 will bridge needs, including looking at the potential development of digital human resources in this sector.
Not only that, this year Manufacturing Indonesia has also released the latest programs, namely the Kaizen Clinic and Manufacturing Digital Hub.
Kaizen Clinic is a program that provides solution support, improvement insight and organizational development include: People (organization development and empowerer branding); Process (lean manufacturing); Product & Tools (digital transformation), through scheduled consultation sessions. While Manufacturing Digital Hub, facilitates a variety of updates on the development of technology, solutions, and digital innovation. Industry professionals can explore and learn the latest advances in manufacturing technology.
There is also an Indoestri Area to facilitate collaboration opportunities between local industries and major national and global industry players.
Manufacturing Indonesia 2023 was present together with Indonesia's Tools & Hardware, Indonesian Machine Tools, and Indonesian Industrial Automation & Logistics in the exhibition area covering an area of 29,801 m2. A total of 1,371 companies from 31 countries participated for 4 days with more than 30,000 participants, and made it a meeting place for the largest industrial experts in Indonesia.
"This exhibition is the right platform to interact with technology and comprehensive platforms for various efforts that encourage development, as well as the progress of the manufacturing industry in Indonesia. Not only focusing on adaptation to technology, but also on how industry players can proactively form and direct technological developments that have a positive impact, especially for industry and society as a whole," concluded Meysia.